
And then Bruce Willis hops out and says “You’re not Kurt Russell, I know Kurt Russell, he is a dear friend and this is not Kurt Russell”. No thank you, I’m guessing James Gunn saw Ocean’s 12 and it burned into his head to never let a Julia Roberts Deadpool the audience.

Ego “Cause Jack Burton is a fucking legend” would also be acceptable.

I don’t think it’s a very bad idea.

In Utilitarian terms? Rather excellent, I’d think.

1,969 pieces? I see what you did there, Lego.

They should have just had Danny McBride play Kenny Powers in Space for Covenant.

Personally I’d like to see Nathan Fillion. He has both comedic and serious acting chops, I bet he and Reynolds would have good chemistry. Think Captain Hammer mixed with a more gruff Malcolm Reynolds.

In a just world people would have what they earned and thus would be billionaires

I love it when people with usernames like “Fartsmello Anthony” get all deep and serious

but holy hell it’s Disney what’s wrong with you guys?

That ending was just so beautiful though. The survivors looking out at the beach as the unfinished Death Star blast blows away the surface of the planet, they knew they were going to die but had accepted it. The way the film was made I do think that was the only possible way it could have ended.

Has Honda damaged the reputation of Acura enough to bring late 80's/early 90's Legends near the $2k mark? If so that would be my choice..

I’ll take the little Toyota pickup over a Chevy Crapalier any day.

Because a GM will run bad longer than most cars will run at all.

Calling it now - Gendry will help Dany + John make valyrian steel and dragon glass. His master in Kings landing was one of a Hangul in the world who knew how to work with it and if I’m not mistaken, Dragonstone sits on an obsidian mine.

Two words: Monica Bellucci.

Two-factor authentication can be a pain sometimes, but it's definitely less of a pain than getting hacked. Do it!

Also, if you are a Google user, set up two factor authentication. That way even if the bad guys get your password, they won't be able to compromise your account.