
Fucking amen

Or invest heavily in Kinja, which takes the pleasure out of social media through an infuriating UI, disappearing posts, and little feedback for your comments. There’s no dopamine to be had here.

The Maxx or GTFO.

I agree. But the wormhole can go deeper: My son had a friend who watched videos of people playing games. The friend would come over with his computer and insist on watching these videos (whereas my son wanted his friend and him to play together). So, in the end, my son would be watching his friend, while his friend

We stopped letting our (then) three year old watch YouTube for lots of reasons, but one was that he would just watch videos of women opening toys. It is the *the* weirdest genre of videos and there are so many of them. Women with nicely manicured hands talking in soft voices opening toy packaging. Its like toddler

I am kind of disturbed by this “genre” (for lack of a better word) of “watching people doing shit.” I’m not a big South Park fan, but I caught an episode where one of the main characters was getting pissed because his little brother and friends preferred watching people play video games than actually play video games.

Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime...there are so many better options over letting your kids roam free around the internet.

I’m already sick of the apologists claiming “It was a JOKE! He was on SNL!” like that makes it ok.

I always thought it was a cool way to cross-over the world of Mario to its real world counterparts. I have no idea why this movie gets so much hate. It was fun and different.

Go with me, I can guarantee you pod racing.

One of the saddest things about the prequels is that just about any story you make up on the spot is more moving and powerful than what they chose to do.

The fury with which Jar Jar (a character created to entertain kids...and he did...entertain kids) is treated by the masses of (at the time) 20-30 year old asshole fanboy pretty much the height of Star Wars Fandom bad behaviour.

Gizmodo has gone hard left; it is completely, totally politically tainted. Remember what it was like before the current crop of people running the place came along?

Not since Gawker died.

THIS. I haven’t seen anyone else mention this and it was my first thought.

so much natural talent with these runners. the best ones could run a 17 minute 5k after not running for 6 months most likely. Add in repeating 120-mile weeks and you get ridiculous athletic feats

If rescued by helicopter? Maybe. But USCG/Navy also isn’t going to simply leave the boat bobbing around, they will send someone to retrieve it to keep it from becoming a hazzard.

After reading the story, I don’t know how Mr. Hicks got down that silo with balls that big (esp with 1950's tech in play here).

No disassemble, or...