
I mean, isnt ragging on how shit his song was how Billy Mack won Christmas song of the year in Love, Actually?

That’s why the best present you can give a child is a sibling.

Foxtrot Alpha, ironically enough, is the last bastion of politics freeish blogging around these parts. io9 once laid claim to that and its damn near impossible to read an article over there that doesn’t equate a marvel story line with the “failures” of our President.

That hour of television still sticks with me. How my parents let me watch that stuff at my tender age Ill never know.

You misspelled Jurgy Low in your posting. Ask anyone that knows about Ze Germans. Its his tactics and planning that got the Germans where they were under Klinsy.

Its been said, but they really should have just rewatched B: TAS and S: TAS. If you watched an ep of Bats then Went Supes right after you would have gone blind. Its really all they had to do.

Yeah, that battery chemistry issue for long range drivers is a weird way of spelling, “you need a new whizzbanger, chief”

I think it would be cool if Sansa killed LF to then turn around, give Arya the dagger back, and utter the, “The Lone wolf dies but the Pack survives” line. There would be nice symmetry there (that dagger really helped precipitate the current state of the Stark house) and it would be extra cool to have the last Starks

GRRM brought this up in Russia the the other day. Technically, seasons 1 - 5 were “leaked” already. All you had to do was read the books to find out what would happen in the show. did that diminish the anticipation for the show? I would say it added to the mythos.

Should also be noted that the “leaked” episodes scored some of the highest ratings in their respective seasons. The Door for instance had the 3rd highest viewership that season. You are right, it doesnt hurt, it helps and adds hype. Might just be them testing the netflix model.

Precisely! Complex shows like GOT, Breaking Bad and the Wire have really spoiled us. Switching gears to a bygone era and as a result bygone simplicity is not a bad thing!

I always thought them naming the sheriff after the poor bastard who got skinned alive (which REALLY upset Dutch) off screen in predator was cool.

This move was so influential that Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall are the ones most responsible for Skip Bayless and all the other HOT SPROTS TAKE commentators out there.  


I feel as though the show is correcting some of her portrayal in very subtle ways.

yup. look up grain silo explosions. Big bada boom.

I like the parallels with Littlfinger going North like Ned went South. didnt end too well for Ned, and I suspect Littlefinger will come to the same fate.

BPL, folks. Usually done by 10am and if you arent smashed by then (shame on you!) you’ve still got the Lion’s Share of Sunday to work with. Also comes without all the pesky commentary before the game: “ZOMG RB2 was out till 3AM last night!! How will this impact the kick return coverage or the mental stability of the

Speaking of subtle moments....I thought Sansa acting like an innocent daughter again in front of Bran was great acting. The way she was sitting, her legs swaying back and forth, her beaming about him being the lord of Winterfell....was almost her way of thinking things were back to normal again. Bran being so harsh to

farmers get the best deals because of this. They show up looking like shit with a satchel full of money. They get awful rich by having people underestimate them.