
isnt one of the overriding themes of the gawker verse equality for all despite appearances? Yet here this writer is saying, “lol sorry bro you get judged by appearances in this world. Deal with it.” Guess thats cool for high end sports cars but not every day life? Im confused.

Mayweather never took a fight like Hopkins did against Jermain Taylor.

Somewhere, the Verizon guy is REALLY pissed he could only leverage his recurring commercial gig into a recurring commercial gig for Sprint.

shhhhh. They stopped following the political realities of the show when Cersei nuked the faith militant.

Nifty finish or shitty near post goal keeping on that second goal? Ill hang up and listen.

Seems this animator had a love for Aeon Flux. I see some similarities in the style. I like it!

Also produced the hardest goddamn level in that entire game. If you could beat Aztec in 007 mode you deserved the 00 designation. Trevelyan was a walk in the park after that mess.

This is an underrated comment. If you swap out every part in your Tahoe is it still your Tahoe?

She cant have kids. No Noble worth their weight will marry her because of that. I think she marries the night’s king to seal the peace with the white walkers.

Michael Jackson was pop king of sick effing country my main man.

The AF taking Modified Chokes to new heights, amigo.

I could have gone the rest of the day without knowing about this. Now, because I do, I feel compelled to say, “to the cloud!”. Schrodinger’s Nudez. Ugh.

Wag the Dog covers this really nicely. Its one of the cooler parts of the film; how Dustin Hoffman keeps saying all these movies would have been complete disasters had it not been for his efforts.

Wait, seriously?

Its aged well because its perfect. Why they decided to live-remake what is arguably one of the most if not the most perfect Disney movie of all time Ill never know.

Im actually mildly disappointed I havent seen more Jaqen and Arya jokes. I mean, “Who are you?’ pretty much sets that up, no?

A girl knows....

Which is greater, a Snoke or a Smoot?

Do the first few lines outta Darth re his tracking down of Ben remind anyone of Johnny Utah talking to Bode at the end of Point Break? “Came across an unclaimed piece of meat in Baja....”

White men cant fly.