
lol. you just know Flanders went on a bender after that like that one time he snapped. Okely Dokely my good brothel impresario, man!

Before or after his wife died?

Added to the mythology of the movie, Eli probably doesn’t realize he has never missed a start.

Noooow you come around. He’s not fooled.

Its ok man. Mark Sanchez is out there. Feel good story of the year!

I think we can all agree that Box will be the star of True Detective season 3.

The walk out was so nerve racking for that very reason. I thought at any minute a guard would walk up and say, j/k we got you on tape smuggling drugs. Back to Oz you go.

Might be something to that. I was ungreyed on this sub blog and now I’m not. Websites are dying, gawkers heads are popping off. It’s crazy.

If yelling “Pepe” becomes the new yelling “baba booey” I’m going to hate this election even more than I do now and I didn’t think that was really possible.

This election is already plumbing the depths of what passes as acceptable and if this moment heralds the dawn of “Pepe” being the new “baba booey” I officially quit pop culture.

Tony Montana would approve of messing with the Diaz Brothers.

Hard not to love him after that interview. Dude loves playing for his country and that last Gold Medal really means something to him. Aspiring to be a part of something bigger than yourself is a great example to the people looking up to Melo.

PA, OH, and FL are all going red this year precisely because of this; and if only these three change from 2012 to 2016 then the Orange one who was promised will be our next POTUS. More people than any of us know are sick and tired of the finger pointing and as a result we will all get the shit sandwich we deserve.

It would be Kaine v Pence at ten paces to secure the Presidency. That’s why they have VPs. Im joking about the ten paces thing but succession is one of the few things left we dont mess around with in this country.

Gatlin is running as fast or faster now than when he was doping 8+ years ago. I’m sure he’s clean now, though.

Scrolled down for this. Thanks for delivering, sir.

Omar coming.

The only way you can tell is because Gizmotecho is run by Steven Spielbergo

Really sorry to read about the gyno. When it happens naturally its super scary.

Completely agree. Mild hormone shots, hgh, all boost quality of life for older folks if used appropriately under medical supervision.