
Well, a certainly former wrestler, who’s name starts with an H and ends in ulk Hogan certainly won’t be spending his extra $25 Million on this.

The people that run California ostensibly run 10% of the country. That rules like this can pass really makes me think those in power have ZERO concept of economics. Sure, lets incent those at 300% below the poverty line to buy a car they can’t afford nor care to own. If you’re in that bucket, chances are you dont care

Speaking of upsets.....

This goal was so good it made Arsenal drop points in the table.

Alamo Draft House model can co-exist with the VOD model imho. Some people want the experience of watching it in a big room with a bunch of people, others want to sit in their house. I dont think its too much to ask for the market to adapt to this. If you’re theatre sucks, well, sorry, shitty restaurants have been

LOL. the joke amongst the well heeled gents around here is you get the LX for your wife and the Cruiser for yourself.

Clearly, he’s the initiation master for the secret fraternity of Balls and Shaft.

Nate Jackson will be the first to tell you that if you get popped for weed in the NFL it means you are either stupid or have a problem. If it is the latter, I hope the Steelers are getting him the help he needs.

Pretty sure GM and everyone else took the easy way out to on Diesels, too. They’ve all been strangely silent which is something numerous jalops have pointed out as more an indictment of everyone and not just VW.

Would also have accepted the Lakeview neighborhood.

Twas used in Entourage as well:

So who has the rescue pack? Drogon or Daario?

Do you watch matches in Spanish? I swear your writing is how I envision Bracamontes and his peeps writing articles about the beautiful game.

Who was possibly a point blank tip in miss from being 6 - 0. Dude is a beast.

I like how part 2 starts by saying everything is strangely quiet. Getting back to New Orleans two weeks after Katrina, that was easily the scariest part. The silence. No car horns, no hum of activity. Nothing. Spookiest thing I ever didn’t hear in my life.

Omar coming...

Go watch “The Widowmaker” on netflix if you haven’t already. It’s about the LAD as described in the article. Shit will make you re-evaluate your life choices...especially if you’re a weekend warrior in your mid thirties who thinks he’s immune to such issues.

Rashford!...United’s next baby faced assassin?

Never change, cycling. Never change.

My bad! Mindy Project is the correct name. What a brain fart. I love that show. Ugh. I feel so silly now....