
Or, if you’re from the nola area, the mosquito truck.

Is that still the case given oil prices these days?

Its not a movie, but Life of Mindy had her as an OB/GYN in the city. Of any main female character here recently, she might have the best job of all of them.

One point missing in the movie is how scary a dumb “smart” person can be. Take Trevor and Carol in the movie. What are the odds they read up on vaccines and decided not to vaccinate because autism? Or that their google-sleuthing is greater than their doctors medical degree/training? I’m more scared of folks like that

Youtube it if you haven’t already! there are videos of players getting hit in the head and I swear they look as if they died on the spot. Super scary.

Most dangerous sport ball? Has no one mentioned Jai-Alai yet? The ball goes in excess of 120 MPH on the regular. Get hit with one of those bad boys and its lights out, amigo.

This assumes the customer has time of use rates, which, I can assure you, not every utility offers, especially those customers served by smaller co-ops.

Too bad acting isn’t into her.

Billy was a bad ass. He wasn’t capitulating to the creature, he was facing it like a man. That always bothered me about the og movie; they just cut away to him not even swinging or fighting. When they showed the yakuza finding a samurai sword and showing it reverence in the new movie, I thought, ok, maybe they’ll make

These guys are officially in the Tyson zone. Nothing anyone reports on them comes as a shocker anymore. Deadspin could report that Blatter and Valcke owned a “Surviving the Game” style preserve and I would just say, “of course they did”

LOL. Does have an air of billionaires arguing over how to make more billions I suppose.

If you ask me, its almost unfair for JJ. He made his bones the old fashioned way and risked a lot while doing it. Dont get me wrong, he had a few lucky breaks along the way, but its not like Daddy handed him the keys to the Chiefs, Giants, Steelers, Chargers, Raiders, etc and said, “here, Junior, go have fun”. That’s

I love how the article paints the old money guys (who, by the way, are mostly second/third generation owners who inherited their teams) as the sympathetic ones in this. They got out played and outmatched by ol Jerrahhh Jones who is really the only one calling it like it is - a business where you try and make as much

Not sure if it was Luis Scolari, but I remember one coach saying, “It is not the sex that is the problem. It is the wine, smoking, and staying out late in pursuit of sex that is the problem.”

Really good point. As for these “dopers” I guess they aren’t down with Lemond’s “It doesnt get easier you just get faster” quote.

You cant stress it enough. 5 - 10% is the world to these guys. Its about all they get from EPO and the blood doping. And, as you said, that 5 - 10% is the difference between hitting a podium and being middle of the pack.

lololo. Preach. If you cant brag about your ride on Strava it didn’t happen!

The Orion capsule planned for the lunar mission is currently sitting and collecting dust outside of New Orleans. I.E. they are closer to making all this happen than you think.


There can be only one!