
I always thought it would have been cool for Brady to just own it. Sets a good example and if ever an athlete straight up admitted to something this would have been the most innocuous thing to cop.

I do the same. Sadly there have been a lot of break ins where the cyclists park lately so ive been worried about leaving my key despite having the key pad. Can they just drive away if they get in by breaking the glass? Ive often wondered that. Not enough to google it, mind you but just enough to where it causes me

Awesome! Admittedly, if I was sitting 100’ below ground and the target of weapons that crater to 200’ I, too, would want to be comfortable.

I remembered where I read that!

I’ve seen silo operator mission patches with“death” wearing a snuggie and bunny slippers. Apparently once they close the door they can wear whatever they want and the gear of choice is the snuggie.

Or my father is. I’ve brought it up to his circle and they are all like, “mehh. he’s sketchy what are you going to do?”

Serious question, outside of the social stigma, is being a dead beat dad even frowned upon anymore? I feel like when its brought up these days it gets more of a shrug than anything else.

As with all things, you get what you pay for. Recently bought an all carbon bike from my LBS. Had a lovely little wreck a few weeks after that bent a fork and the derailleur. Took it to said shop. “Thats a bad break. You just got this bike too! Tell you what, don’t sweat it. We’ll take care of it for you”. Good luck

What about The Shadow with Alec Bladwin? I guess it fits in with The Phantom but I thought it was an ok movie. At least my 11 year old self did....

Come on, Hatch. If we go now, we lose more than a game....

Also, if you pay the fee with your amex, the little green home run hitter pays it back to you via statement credit.

It doesn’t have three rows! Still stubbornly sticking to two. Should be out this fall. Looks cool though. i like the new look.

I own a Ford and Lexus both of the fairly recent vintage. The experience I have had at either dealership for scheduled maintenance has been startlingly Dickensian. At Ford they act like they are doing you a favor by having stale coffee for your two hour wait for an oil change. At Lexus, its red carpet city. Do you

I was stuck in a massive meeting, something like 50 people discussing how to stand up a new network. Naturally, I was zoned out streaming the game in the back. When that shot went in I threw my hands in the air and started pumping my fists momentarily forgetting where I was. Nobody noticed because everyone was either

Lol @fox for focusing on NOT Jordan Spieth’s dad while he was talking about his dad on father’s day.

The views are NOT NECESSARILY those of the station. Lol.

If the USWNT needs help on how to use Abby Wambach, I suggest they start and end their research with the following person: Klose, Miroslav. Let her be the closer. Keep her fresh for the knockout rounds. She’s the talisman.

Delaney! Did you watch Regis this morning?

I love when he describes meeting the FBI guys for the first time. If people with American accents and military haircuts are hanging out in Europe and asking questions about something it means someone is in big trouble.

Batman doesn’t need an extradition treaty.