
My fave quote from that piece was, “my friend, water is for fish.”

The going rate for juice in the south is about .11 a kWh. The typical central ac system needs about 3 kWh. This battery (the $3500 10 kWh version) would keep that running for 3.33 hours give or take so basically it could run your ac overnight. At those prices, you would have to discharge the battery 3182 times (8.75

I love this reporting. E:60 went and reported on the slums. Maybe a vice bro can go undercover and be an actual migrant worker. Document the whole process. That would be something.

Pfft. All Love had to say after was, “pop it, Tommy! Pop it!” And he would have finished the game.

Ahh. Thanks for the answer! That makes sense. Hooray scientific observation!

Fortunately, says Farrell, “The magma chamber and reservoir are not getting any bigger than they have been, it’s just that we can see them better now using new techniques.”

Worth noting: Stephen A. Can tweet victim shaming tweets and its nbd but when Simmons speaks up about the nfl he gets suspended. Seems legit.

Right? The headlines practically write themselves and these guys want to unionize? Pfft.

Damon Wayans in “This Ol Box” is one of my fave sketches. The pickle juice, the voice. It was all solid. Plus, in my tiny home, I like telling my guests they’ll be staying in the “West Wing of the Estate”. People rarely get the joke which makes me sad.

There was a cool heist I saw a show on one time. The guy stole safety deposit boxes, naturally. The architecture of the vault made it so the boxes left a gap in one corner where the wall of boxes met. You didn't know it was there but if you climbed to the top of the stack you could see the rather large gap. So what

So much hate for the shirt. Not that I know for sure, but I swear his family gave it to him as a gift and he wore it for good luck and he did it despite the hate he would undoubtedly get. That’s love for your kids. Plus, there was the whole, “if a dad went on the show it would be him” angle. He didn’t just win for

I mean, how did she even get on the show, to say nothing of making it to the final? I’m really glad Drew won. Feel like he scored one for all the dads out there who would go on tv in an ugly ass shirt that his kids probably gave him for good luck. That’s love right there, man.

And she was eating it up! Score another one for the Jersey Shore, I guess.

Am I the only one who thought Conant was hitting on the hairdresser? His eyes were practically undressing her. Was super concerned the two guys were going to backdoor Drew to try and score a date with her.

Slow Getting Up by Nate Jackson. Really awesome book about life in the NFL. The real stuff, not like what they cover on the E! channel.

I believe the quote from Nate’s book went something like this: “If you fail the annual drug test it means you are are either stupid or have a problem.” If you haven’t already, pick that book up. Such a solid read.

The people that really need to pull out like they are in 4 Lo are the sponsors. Get Sony, Budweiser, Visa, and Fox to drop their sponsorship and you can believe this will get moved. Until any of them make a stand this will go off without a hitch.

Jay Leno. He eats most of his meals at home standing over his sink.

I've always wondered while on the ISS, or MIR, or any other space faring craft, if laying down a "sonorous and full-toned" fart while in zero g would propel you in the other direction. #13 and #14 did not address this. Anyone have any thoughts on that?

Swim or Bike. Especially swimming because you wont get hit by a car. There are 70 year old fellas in my gym that could swim circles around me and they are fit as a fiddle. Don't need no stinkin knees for that mess. I know this, because I, too, have a dodgy knee.