
the celebration video came out before the Ghana game. I'll never understand how, with that bit of motivational speech being out there for the taking, Bradley didn't manage to incorporate that into his pregame speech. Had he played that, and said nothing else, we destroy Ghana instead of coming out flatter than

one thing klinsman preaches is not respecting your opponent on offense and just going at them with what you got. Like, you can't be afraid that it's Brazil and be tentative on the attack. Who better to do that than a bunch of young guys who don't know any better? I love this squad.

this is the squad that will shock the world when they beat Germany. Just you watch. Julian Green will show shades of Michael Owen in France 98.

No idea. Tyrion is afraid of it and given his love of books id say thats enough to cause concern.

I wonder where the disease angle will go. One of the characters has it and is going to bring it back to Westeros. So, there will be Others, and Ebola, and marauding bands of killers. Should be an awesome last couple of books!

Since its been left as a cliffhanger, shouldnt Snow be on this list? I mean, if he actually is dead, wouldnt that suck? My kindle would agree. Poor dead bastard....

He plays to the audience. This is why everyone loves him. Brilliant guy. (No sarcasm. The world he created is awesome.)

Most Shocking Death but not really: GRRM himself of a massive heart attack because The Wheel needs a pal in the afterlife.

I read Nate's book and he spends a lot of time chronicling his treatment for various ailments. What was most surprising to me was how quickly he seemed to bounce back from injuries that would sideline mere mortals. They constantly inject him with this or that and provide him pills that are more than just tylenol.

I wonder what the pay back is on this stadium? 500 mill of private money? I wonder how many kids, or roads, tax breaks, or police officers, could have benefited from that kind of scratch

I hope your public servant pensions are up to date. Just sayin....

sadly, you're right. Athlete activism might be dead. If they put up with corrupt old men killing thousands so they can play a game then I don't think there is a line in the sand out there they would be willing to cross.

the sad truth is, this cup will only move from Qatar if the players take a stand and refuse to play. We need a soccer version of Ray Charles...stand up say we won't play unless working conditions or the location changes. That will never happen but it would be great if they did.

I agree. Then again, the series makes Tywin out to be the bad ass to end all bad asses just like in the books. Everyone listens to that guy. These next three episodes should be pretty relentless if they are supposed to cover the last third of Swords. I really cant wait.

I saw the, "Fetch me my quill and pen" line as a nod and joke to us interwebs folks. That time before the Red Wedding, when you only saw Tywin writing something, was poked fun at a good bit. Then everyone died at the Twins. So, when he says that, its like a gunslinger telling someone to get him his gun. You just

If I may disagree (not really because I completely agree with you but go with me here) his cameo in Entourage when he tells Ari to fuck off is pretty damn awesome.

Yes, but him as a clippers fan which was/is similar to other clippers fans experience. That he got to see Sterling "in the wild", so to say (Which, holy cow this guy must be cheap. How many billionaires rough it by flying commercial? These guys hourly value must be in the thousands of dollars...but I digress) is

I don't know. To me, those interpretations, especially the ones on the plane, are something we all do. I mean, who hasn't thought in their head, "this guy is awful" on a flight? To some extent we all like to be flys on the wall when it comes to seeing how these public figures act in real life. That's the sense I

Indeed! Doesn't insert himself too much, good pace, interesting story, and funny jokes! Its like he is on Page 2 again in its nascent stages.

Ill say it. This is a great article by Simmons. Thoroughly enjoyed it!