
Most internet providers, along with wireless telecom, operate on 4o% profit margins. the LOW end is something like 25% for the US Cellulars of the world. To put that in perspective, everyone got all up in arms when gas went and stayed through the roor around 2009 and the Oil Companies started making record profits.

Thats why they call it Division, not divorce, around these parts. Basically, if you go down this road, the rule of thumb is this: Stand in front of your house and picture everything you own. Cover the eye that lets you still see what you like. Got it? Doesnt look to bad divided up, does it? Too bad because the

My buddy has one. He's been riding forever and asked if I wanted to take it for a spin. I dont ride. Not sure he has my best interests at heart. Good thing I know better. Death on a stick right there, mate.

You know, I think you're the first person to put it in those terms. That actually makes a lot of sense.

I cant imagine he would willfully consent to being recorded saying things like that. In CA, you need two party consent. In a court, they would throw it out.

What about the dissenting opinion here? I mean, it was a private conversation that was obtained illegally. Weren't the Gawkerrati all up in arms about the NSA spying scandal? Im not condoning what the sleazeball said, just pointing out that indeed it is a slippery slope if you start taking things away from people

That would explain the foaming at the mouth and the POV shot that looked all tunnel visiony like when Bran wargs with Summer. Good call!

I feel you. I tore through all the books after the Red Wedding episode last season. Now, I watch this show and its a bit different. I want to say that reading the books has given me a better understanding (I know the players on and off the board, so to say). But, then stuff like the purple wedding happens and im

Said his publisher for, like, the last FOREVER.

Almost forgot the link. Enjoy....

I read in the threads about ASOIAF about the Grand Northern Conspiracy. The North Remembers, after all. I think if what they posited on the thread turns out to be real it could be a really great part to the story.

wow. What a protest. People will be talking about this a hundred years from now....

Nah. Kings come and go. Bastards stay eternal.

Whats wrong with being a bastard? Just because your parents were, like, rude to each other and/or had the secs in the heat of the moment without commitment doesn't make you less of a person. We have feelings too, you know! (totes sarcasm here, ps. while I hate the circumstances of my birth Im actually totally cool

Rent a beach house. Bring a sitter, i.e. older kid of a friend (teenager), let them do whatever they want during the day and then put them on lock down with the children at night so you can slip off with the mrs. for an evening of libations. Its the only way to do a beach vacay with kids. Otherwise you might as well

kings do king things.

Shouldn't this invalidate their bid? I mean, if you say you are going to build 12 stadiums and then cut it back to 8 doesn't that mean you secured your bid under false pretenses? Of course, you have to ignore the bribes for this logic to work out. Guess those stadiums were the ones they were going to "donate" to

Wouldnt it be great if they changed the time frame too? Say, 1950's LA following Edmund Exley and Bud White?

Stoppie gone horribly wrong?

I never understood that part of the movie. I mean, an expanding country club isnt exactly eminent domain territory and the great northwest tends to lean on individualism or so im told. So, how the heck can they just foreclose on their houses if they didnt want to sell? Were they underwater and not paying their