
Would you say that the plot to this movie is in a zone of danger?

party ball?

Fascinating read about the radar plume. Thanks for posting the link!

I've heard it could take a nuclear shock wave plus it has its own atmosphere if necessary (chem attacks and such) which is all fine and good. Questions is, can you hoon it?

Are we seriously asking this question? Coffee is the second most commonly traded commodity in the world. You know what #1 is? Crude Oil. Energy drinks will never have that kind of clout.

**Spoilers, maybe?**

Well done, sir!

In the past some municipalities have fined people a penny per floor and let them go with a sternly worded "Don't push your luck" type deal in there too. It would be cool if they did that here. What good is Everest if you can't climb it, right?

I get the feeling the letter Qatar sent to Craggs has done nothing but stir up the Deadspin staff. You guys routinely put out quality work that is even better when you're properly motivated. Can't wait to see what you guys turn up on these bozos. Dick pics of Blatter? Jack Warner with ten dead hookers? Its all in

I agree. You don't see Rio pissing and moaning because they can't host the Winter Olympics. Then again, folks over in the UAE don't exactly seem to think things through all the way. If they did, I dont think they would have a line of shit tankers waiting outside their tallest building to haul waste away every.

About the only thing I can agree with Blatter on is the "bringing soccer to other countries because the anglo countries don't own soccer" line. I get that. However, where do you draw a line? Is bringing a game to an atypical soccer country worth the lives of 4,000 people? I hope he used a lot of that bribe money

Diabetes is a bitch, you guys; especially if you are into the whole not taking care of your body thing.

Ive always loved that about our country. When the shit hits the fan everyone looks our way like, "Well, you boys going to do something about this?" And we, like the bad asses we are, always respond with, "Everyone chill the eff out. We got this."

So, they are still decaying, just not as fast. Id be curious to see just how hearty the surviving microbes are. Maybe they could do something cool with those bad boys.

Geez. I guess no one saw X2. Mystique lays it out pretty plainly in that scene with the, ahem, unfortunate looking guard.

Ha! Before Fat Harry's in New Orleans got all classy after their fire, the following sonnet (lymerick?) was scrawled on their bathroom wall:

Love this! I was lucky to attend a Sporting KC home game last year and the experience was pretty awesome. The quality is getting better as is the watchability. Plus, with Youth Soccer being so popular amongst the, well, youth, and with less and less parents allowing their children to play football, we might well be

Still better than Mr. Pound playing the bassoon, imho.

Yeah its pretty much impossible to watch that scene and not take a trip directly to Niagara Falls. So awesome.

What about good crys? One of my all time favorites is the end of the Pinky and the Brain Christmas special. Pinky goes the whole episode begging Brain to send his list to Santa and he never does, till the end, when he reads it himself right before his plan would have worked. Not sure why but Pinky asking for the