
That piece Fox (or was it CBS) did on Chris Henry's organs and how many lives they saved was pretty good. Alive, sure, he was among the "worst". His organs, however, and his family's selflessness with them, so much win.

I feel like I've seen this story before....where...hmm... O, right, The Program! Somewhere, Joe Kane is crying into his six pack of Natty Light....

Maybe so, but Tiger goes over the leg and behind the back and is in total control the entire time. Im sure this was after a few takes but still. The body control is pretty amazing. Simmons should have just juggled the ball (with his feet) a few more times and then smacked it over the fence without moving around so

I feel like we should appreciate that Tiger commercial even more now. Go back and look at it. He hardly moves his feet the entire time despite moving the ball to and fro.

Its a combo plate of shit for that landing. Short runway, the airport is in a valley surrounded by mountains (so, yes, technically its in a pit) and the approaches are all pretty much terrible from an ease point of view. That final turn is SCARY if you are on the bottom (port?) side of the aircraft because you can

PS if anyone is interested the bad ass song in the background is "Saharok" by Slim & Konstantah feat. Banuma. I will henceforth play this song whenever plowing into smart ass bike riders in my hood. Also, am I the only that wants to see the aftermath? Like, what does the driver say to the bike rider when he gets up

Basically the owner of the "B-Roll" memory cards is sitting on small fortune then, right?

Wasn't Christiane Amanpour quoted on Bill Maher's show back in 2005 or so saying that she had it on good authority that Bin Laden was hiding out in a posh pakistani pad? Was that a legit clip or some clever forgery? That always made me scratch my head for some reason...

One time in college for Mardi Gras a liquor store had this stuff on sale for, no joke, $7.99 a case. Naturally we bought 6. Worst experience ever. We felt obligated to drink every last can but my God did it take us forever to finish them. The taste can best be described as fermented rusty nail-ish with a hint of

Coors Khaki, please.

This is so true. She was TERRIBLE in The Blues Brothers. Great eye candy, sure, but just an awful performance

"This case has certainly take the shine off a University of Miami education."

or flip flops (rainbow or reef only, natch) and if you rock them with a blazer and khakis you get extra bro points.

John Kerry: You're saying that Vladimir Putin, one of the richest most powerful men in the world, who spends his nights poisoning and beating "criminals" to a pulp with other people's bare hands stole your super bowl ring and your plan is to call this man a liar? Good luck!

Saw the same thing on a 7th grade field trip to Stennis! Dude use a blow torch to "heat the tile up" while wearing a welding glove. Then he asked for a volunteer. The tile, even after having the torch on it for what seemed like an eternity, felt like a cat had just been sleeping on it for a few minutes. SO MUCH

You know you are a legendary drunk when you have TWO cocktails on this poster. Im looking at you, Mr. Bond.

The article has some pretty glaring numbers in it. Here is a taste (sorry if its a bit long winded):

The funniest part of this? The NEMA box the tv sits in costs more than the tv itself. True story.

"Every new parent has served up a bottle of just-a-bit-too-warm formula to a baby by accident and then watched the baby scream in horror after being scalded by it, as if you just poured boiling oil down their throat. You feel like a monster."

This was without question my biggest issue with the coverage this received in the media and to some extent this article. It was "sexy" to call it a coup when in reality it was, at its most basic, the country trying to keep Chavez out of the mix in the easiest way possible. Still the same government. Still the same