
I feel like if you even casually watch the news you should ace this test. Questions that cover Fracking, Lasers, and Sunscreen seems a little lite. However, I think its telling that the most "difficult" question (Only 31% of college grads answered Nitrogen? Really?) was quite possibly the only one that actually

pssht. Whatever. If someone peels off an ELE type fart in the stall next to me im going to say something cheesy, yet classy, like: "fiber, dude, fiber"

#24 - The six pack was invented by Pabst which lead to it becoming the "working man's" beer of choice back in the day. True Story.

D'oh! Good Call! Totally missed his name on the little plaque.

So two remain in private collections but one is with Cartier? Who sold one? Or have they all been sold?

Maybe Google "Honduras coup" before you write about it? Zelaya was trying to run for re-election even though its against the constitution. The supreme court told him no, he tried to do a broke-ass referendum with trumped up votes saying he could and he proceeded to try and hold the election. The military (which is

My guess? People started wondering about his sexuality and so him and his buddy concocted this story with the aid of twitter to quell any rumors. Unfortunately, things escalated quickly and Brick killed a guy; or girl as the case may be.