Poor Old Edgar Derby


I wouldn’t say “putting a band-aid on the massive systemic failures of the U.S.” is “doing good.” In a decent country, your brother could have gotten his PhD and contributed to society without being coerced into military service by the spectre of debt. If the U.S. wasn’t an imperialist exporter of death and suffering,

Not since WWII has the US military been involved in a direct conflict that made any difference to our personal freedom and liberties at home.

what threats are they detering

This is a very bad take.

You see, Jalopnik did a site-wide audit, and your name came up as one that did not originally pay to be out of the greys . . .

This honestly isn’t true, because the demographics Sanders has staked his campaign on are unreliable voters. They couldn’t even carry him to the Democratic nomination, much less carry him to victory in a general election.

What is best for the shareholders it to run a profitable company, invest in the future, and thereby protect and grow shareholder value. Buybacks are sugar snacks and just mean the company leadership is out of ideas to invest in their own company. If they don’t get a bailout and share prices fall or get wiped out, did

But at that level, its not the best action for shareholders because spending that much of your cash with very little in reserves makes any small economic downturn a crisis for the business, sending its stock prices into freefall. Theres nothing inherently wrong with stock buyback, but saying they were required to do

stock buybacks =/= reinvestment

Apple has billions of cash in reserves. Most massive business do as well. Spending 96 percent of your free cash over the last decade is horribly irresponsible for a business when it leaves nothing in reserves. You really dont understand finances at all

Inherently, there is nothing wrong with stock buybacks. There is, however, something extremely wrong when spend 96!!!! percent of your cash on it over the past decade plus. Thats insane. They dont deserve a dime from the federal government. They did this to themselves

Someday somebody will have to explain to me why using corporate cash to buy stock at the peak of its value is “doing right by the shareholders. It’s not a wise long-term move, even if it’s that particular company’s own stock.

This is the good take. They have made mucho profits from lowering the service. We shouldn’t reward that.

This is where a sane system would require some sort of statutory reserve plan in exchange for the bailout. 

we’ve already bailed them out with crushed flights, baggage fees, $12 dollar shitty snacks and ridiculous fares. Having flown Ryan in Europe I feel extremely cheated by our domestic airlines, it’s a cattle car both ways but at least on Ryan I’m paying steerage prices for steerage class, Bailouts my ass. 

There’s usually a 50% chance employees just don’t show up at all for the second half of the day.

“The factory had at least one case of coronavirus and 23 workers in quarantine”

Bob Seager- the Bruce of Michigan

Here comes old man Jalopnik to tell us why this is terrible.