Poor Old Edgar Derby


Barry once wrote an article based off of a comment I made. I was so proud and happy that my co-workers were giving me shit about it for a week. If this is the end, I’m going to miss all of you miserable bastards. 

Does Talking Heads count? I would understand if the answer is no, but it’s rock from the late 70s/early 80s and I like them. I feel like they should count and be above Billy Joel (who is self obsessed toilet water).

I’m sure he’s got opinions on plenty of Yankees as well since about 1955

Dom is extremely good at this.

I agree broadly and think that what happened to Kaepernick is a goddamn travesty, but also, I feel I need to point out that he was mostly trash (on admittedly trash teams) his final two years. I’m sure he would’ve been a decent transitional starter for several teams, but he never went to the pro bowl and he really

Mark Sanchez: [comes out of retirement, and into his jockeys]

The US military provides (in theory) a necessary service though. It’s not purely for the entertainment of rich folks (again, in theory). Rich folks that can be entertained in a plethora of other ways who’s point is not to inflict brain damage on the participants.

It’s a hell of a lot easier for an upper middle class kid to say no to a (ultimately slim) chance at 50 grand in exchange for his properly functioning brain than one who needs to work after school to help his mom buy groceries. It’s a system the preys upon the desperation of poor people, be they informed or not, and I

Or did they and... successfully cover it up?

I’d be willing to bet you’d pick 2 broken legs over daily migraines and constantly forgetting where you are or what you’ve been doing for the last 20 minutes though.

So this is random and not associated with Dabo being an ass, but is anyone else’s suggested stories just the three most recent videos deadspin has put out? I liked that it used to be stories off of all the sister sites. It made me read around a lot more.

Nobody can eat 50 eggs

“We thought we were going to get Snoop Dogg, but like... without all the Snoop Dogg parts.” - Kansas AD admins, moments before agreeing to ferry a scorpion across a river

So I was randomly curious about point differential since I know they’ve lost a few close ones. They’re actually tied with the 2-2 Raiders at -23, and better than the Falcons (1-3 with -29).

That makes sense. In all sincerity, thanks for the informative reply.

Do we know why horses keep dying at this track? Also, if horses keep dying at this track, why are they holding world championships there? I assume money and rich, powerful, horse-owning assholes for the latter question, but do they even bother to give a bullshit reason?

My only hope is that this goes the way of other recent prohibitive preseason favorites like Golden State and Alabama (and Tampa Bay Lightning heading into the playoffs) that shit the bed. A man can dream.