I understand that seizures can happen anywhere, but could repeated hits to the head make them worse or more common? I am very much not a doctor, so I’m genuinely curious.
I understand that seizures can happen anywhere, but could repeated hits to the head make them worse or more common? I am very much not a doctor, so I’m genuinely curious.
The Air Force thinks the F-35A Joint Strike Fighter, with its stealth, sensors, and precision guided weapons, can take over for many of the F-35’s missions.
Because to them, babies are innocent and have done nothing wrong, but poor people are lazy and dumb and deserve to be poor.
“I mean, you hate to see the lives lost and human misery multiplied, but the fact there was a country and now there’s just not anymore is kinda cool. And whoda thought the rest of new england would do that to Maine? ‘ts crazy man...”
I’ve referenced him in a recent comment so he’s fresh in my mind, but there is no acceptable answer besides Rom Romberts. Give me 5000 words of stream of consciousness ramblings about nipple spiders and spheres of ham or give me nothing at all.
I have not seen this picture before and assuming it’s not photoshopped, JEEEEEESUS. That is not the look of a man with properly functioning kidneys.
But is he really? I feel like Marvin Lewis is really just a position that must always be held with the Bengals, regardless of who actually holds it.
You’re totally right. The only real consistent thing you can hang your hat on in any of this offseason craziness is that Miami will soon be underwater.
I felt pedantic even saying it, but also technically correct. The best kind of correct.
Like a monkey swallowing a grenade. Awful? Absolutely. Am I looking away? Absolutely not.
At least 32 people miss you Rom.
Wait, was Rom Romberts just Bret Stephens trying to act casual this whole time?
Yeah... but... reverse because she’s not...
Because no heroine addict ever had a disciplinarian father.
I don’t see why ads for these things shouldn’t be caught up in the restrictions on tobacco advertising.
Worked at a state survey for a while and most measurements were done in tenths of feet (to make calculations easier). Which, yeah, let’s take these two things and make them a third thing which is worse than both. Great idea.
The Fucktomb IS St. Louis.