Sanjay O'Brien

I agree, the title of this article is sensationalist, (just like everything else in mass media) but the membership section of the revision, specifically subsection(2)clause(c) is worrying in the extreme. Clause(d) does prevent DIRECT financial involvement, but does not limit the ability of an industry scientist to

Actually, my Dad worked for the EPA in freshwater biome protection and his work regularly required him to write extensive white papers outlining best practice to meet the guidelines created by joint EPA and Endangered Species Committee actions, going to far as to solicit and relate engineering briefs for alternative

"Well, miss, I want to have sex with you, and you don't want to have sex with me. The most balanced outcome for all parties involved would be you giving me a blowjob. Why won't you agree to the most rational, balanced solution?"

United States of America: The world's wealthiest banana republic.

If we're wondering about how they did it, we've been taken out of the film, thereby making it a failure.

Well... 37 years was a good run. I don't want to play video games anymore.

You're right, you don't get Kotaku, because you don't seem to understand that not only is it a site with multiple writers with differing viewpoints but also that they don't think that all gamers are awful. All of the nuance, which when it comes to something like this Kotaku does very well with under Totilo, is very

I loved the first two Mummy movies too. However, the difference I see between those and the blurb above is the "modern-day" aspect. The Mummy didn't bring the Mummy to the modern day. It stayed in the 30's, where it made sense (egyptology being a huge fad in these days) and simply changed the genre to pulp adventure,

On that note, I saw this movie for the first time a few weekends ago and thought it was absolutely brilliant. Somehow I hadn't had it spoiled for me after all this time (I knew it was "different", but I really didn't know what that meant).

You stole our movie title, now we'll steal your scenes!

THE BOULDER approves of this relationship!

Next they'll tell us Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider no less.

Now playing

Tell me, where is your Maker now? Call him. Call down his wrath upon me. You cannot. For he does not exist.

This is great news. That said, I'm troubled that hiring a female director seems to interest the big movie studios only for vehicles for female characters. A woman might be trusted with Wonder Woman, but never with the Justice League.

Now playing

Yey a female director! Interesting she has no movie experience though. Not sure if that would be an issue.

George Lucas and musical in the same sentence is my worst nightmare. I have literally had nightmares about this.