Sanjay O'Brien

Yeah. I said it's a popular upcoming game. I never said it was an innovative or good one.

This is the issue mainstream developers struggle most with when creating compelling characters, because when it comes to the nuance of characterisation, the writer easily plays the most significant role. "The industry is still getting its head around the idea that employing professional writers is a necessity, rather

For some reason, I had this image in my head. Where you are sitting in this shadowy chair wearing some typical villain outfit. With henchmen around you, then you shout: "Implant them... IMPLANT THEM NOW!".

And then: "Mirror... MIRROR!" and you look at your face and laugh triumphantly, with hair full of lush hair!

What... triggered it? :p

You shouldn't have done that...

The Linkin Park song sealed it.

The CKII one you posted is actually my favourite game trailer of all time.

Sorry friends, sometimes when we bring folks back from our zoo there are side effects.

Does nobody seriously remember the promotional comic Sega handed out before the game came out with his origin and Robotnik's (Kintobor's) origin?

Semi-related, but another great UFC fighter named Marcus Brimage is a huge DBZ fan, and even cited the show as one of his reasons for learning to fight. He even showed up to his fight wearing a DBZ scouter.

Just Dance 2014 : Guardians of The Galaxy Edition.

Could you imagine Garrus in the Tardis?

I use a waffle.

Because the game isn't as technically sound so there's more bugs and exploits, which somehow the competitive scene decided was a good thing.

Now it justs needs a banjo.

They both definitely have enough moves to be in smash.

"So, do you take regular or [unzips pants]...premium?"

Don't knock it til you've tried it.