Sanjay O'Brien

Republicans want ICP to run the EPA.

Count on U.S. conservatives to turn "balanced" into a dirty word I associate with bullshit. From FOX's old slogan, to the constant demands for more "balanced" textbooks or advisory panels, I can no longer interpret the word as anything but "favoring my shitty viewpoint".

The year: 2040.
The film: Sony's 7th attempt at rebooting the Spider-Man franchise, "The Uncanny Spider-man"

"Wow! I didn't know Bruce's parents were dead. Thanks for keeping me in the know, Batman V. Superman!"

-No film-goer ever

Ohmigosh. That's adorable/amazing. I've never seen the 2009 Wonder Woman animated flick, but I need to do so now.

At first I thought "Man, the 90's were weird, man..."

Then I saw that Shadow was there.

I always preferred "Listen. Billy Pilgrim has become unstuck in time" opening line of Vonnegut's in-novel self's novel.

"They do know that we're sisters. Right, Elsa?"

"Yeah...I think that's the point..."

(Anna shuts laptop in disgust)

The hatches are open! ;)

(The entire gay community points to the doll's heart)

When given the opportunity to share sweets equally, young children tend to behave selfishly but, by about eight years of age, most prefer to distribute resources to avoid inequalities, at least among members of their own social group.

But enough about Columbus Day...

What do they mean when a drought is both Short Term (S) and Long Term (L)?

I know the Mad Max trailer went up this weekend right after I read an io9 recap of it. I'm hoping Marvel goes a similar route, but I have a feeling that I'll be left wanting.

So...when does Comic Con footage get put online, generally? I'm talking an actual upload by the distributor, not some lame cam-leak like the Bat v Supes footage.

The full article explores what Hamas has actually managed to accomplish with the tunnels vs. the inflated terrorist threat that Israel makes them out to be.

"Wow, Kinja User gorzilla, you sure got us! This article was planted here solely to push my evvvvilll political agenda about Hamas tunnels or something. Looks like we can't get away with such nonsense with eagle-eyed commenters like you around!"

-Lex Luthor, Owner of Gawker Media (Citation Needed)

For many people, the very word "game" has the implication that a definitive goal or objective is involved. It's perfectly possible for someone to be creative/innovative in other aspects of life, but still expect a "goal" when you play a game. Hell, I sometimes like games with a definite goal. It can be relaxing

The trailer is well-done. The music choice and the way that the quick-cuts line up the sound effects to the beat of the music is what makes it.

I was wondering that too.