Sandy Kay

I just can’t... Listen here Pastor Cracker. If that is true, then you, most of your congregation, your leadership is blinder then Ray Charles in the heart of a black hole. The GOP, it’s supporters and whatnot have some of the goddamned ugliest souls outside of the Pharaseese who Jesus called judgement down on for

“Was it for real? We’re still debating that amongst ourselves”


Look, Megyn Kelly is a lot of things, but she’s not stupid. She’s been in the public eye for a couple of decades and knows damn well how this shit works. You will never convince me she was somehow unaware of the social and political baggage that blackface carries, and only discovered that now.

But given that the youth vote has always been pathetically low, I don’t think they bear the majority of the blame.

“I am not sorry she did not win - “

The early voting numbers out of Georgia are ridiculous. Like, they aren’t up by 10% or 15% or something like that. We’re talking totals for the first three days that are three times higher than comparable elections.

Yeah the rule is obviously “Don’t hold the door open for people you don’t know” and not “Physically deny entry to anyone even if they have a fob.”

Holy fuck the driver’s face in the first picture is my new everything.

Babs needs a featured rapper on this. 

At least it wasn’t a dick pic

Translation of a translation: I’m complete garbage and I’m not teaching my sons any redeemable qualities. 

In his defense, he has every reason to be scared for his son. Jr. has, or will at some point sexually assault someone and he knows this. Seeing in the news all these sexual predators going down rightfully makes him afraid for his sons.

Translation: I’m scared I won’t have the money and pull(And Dad) to save their asses should they act like I and Eric did in the past

I dont see the J? Maybe a backwards J, but that’s it?

I don’t a woman. I find these faces more terrifying than funny.

So far, my Beto sign joins two others on my block with no Cruz signs in an area of Houston that generally would be Cruz-friendly.

I did not have sexual intercourse or anything close to sexual intercourse in high school or for many years thereafter.

You know, ‘cause when you go to buy drugs, you go with your pre-teen daughter and senior citizien mother. Whom amongst us hasn’t taken their 70-something mother and sub-10 daughter on our routine drug runs?  We make it a family affair.

SMH yet many a white guy with weapons and a blank or 'agitated' expression went unnoticed as they prepared to carry out mass shootings. Pot meet kettle.