That first clapback response was really beautiful. I couldn’t figure out where the Cheese story was going and then, there it was.
That first clapback response was really beautiful. I couldn’t figure out where the Cheese story was going and then, there it was.
Isn’t getting big increases in scores literally the only reason people spend money & time on tutors and review materials for the SAT??? If she took it the first time without really doing any test prep and then spent the next seven months preparing for it, of course she’d have a monster score increase.
The only thing that will shock me is if the peacock is NOT Donny Osmond. I was generally bored with the show last night and probably won’t watch again, just check online to see the reveals.
I’m really impressed by her reaction. He’s bigger than her and with his surprise attack had her off balance and over the counter. I could watch her pull back and tear into him over and over.
Seriously, do you really need every article about white people behaving badly to say “not all white people”? And maybe we do need to accept a little bit of responsibility for the Stabby Gabbys of the country. If we had all been more outspoken in denouncing racism over the years, maybe they wouldn’t feel so comfortable…
I always want to see the beginning of the incidents as well because I’m curious whether the people start out sounding semi-reasonable and morph into crazy racist or whether that is their default setting.
Who are these people who want a Louis CK comeback? As far as I am concerned, he can sit and think some more about his behavior toward women.
Intriguing analysis but still not enough to get me to watch a horror film. I’m still trying to figure out if “Get Out” would be too scary for me and I really want to see that one.
I make lazy white girl mac & cheese (boil the pasta, drain it, then put milk, butter and shredded cheese in the pot with the drained pasta & cook on low until it is melted) and even my mac & cheese looks better than that sorry mess.
1. Trump must be desperate for some not-bad PR to go see the troops in Iraq.
Without it, we’d have even more of Trump’s terrible judges because there would have been a bigger backlog AND McConnell would have gone nuclear to fill those appointments anyway. There is zero chance he would have allowed anything to stand in the way of packing the judiciary.
I know zip about NJ wrestling rules but this article says that rules changed in the past couple seasons to require that hair caps (for wrestlers whose hair extends beyond their ear lobes) be attached to their head gear.…
I’m going to guess that the merchandising and marketing people responsible for this sweater and ad did not see Black Panther because:
I have to agree with this. Finding a sword is interesting but not particularly inspiring. Greta Thunberg should be on the list.
Okay, so this is making me feel all Megyn Kelly but are sock monkeys (the (usually homemade) stuffed toys made from socks that have a red heel) racist? I never thought of them that way (actually I don’t think of them that often at all) but now I can see they might be.
First, can I get out of the greys?
There was an all dip pot luck at work and it was fabulous. some dips were merely OK (there was a really disappointing guac that I think might have been green peas) but some were super good. There were dessert dips and non-dessert dips.
I would drink beer with Obama and I don’t even like beer. I’d pretend to drink beer just to be able to sit down with Obama.
I make that same vintage Betty Crocker cookbook dressing (other than the mushrooms because my family is old school dressing).
Tucker Carlson is not being brave. He has no problem with any of the terrible and incompetent things Trump is doing. He is only mad because Trump isn’t getting that stupid wall built, hasn’t de-funded Planned Parenthood (this makes no sense -- if you are truly pro life, you’d want to avoid unplanned pregnancies so you…