I have three thoughts on this week’s Clapback.
I have three thoughts on this week’s Clapback.
I had the same thought but it sounds much more like the teacher isn’t racist, just cray cray.
Wow. What a mind.
Target Tammy has too much spare time if she has time in Target to eavesdrop on other women and then spend time arguing with them.
I know zippo about her Bollywood career, having only seen her in Quantico and I still thought she was dating down with him. He’s basically not much more than a kid and doesn’t seem terribly interesting or particularly good looking.
I wish he had run in 2016 but now it’s time for someone newer and younger.
I was thinking the same thing. I haven’t been to Payless in a really long time but my recollection was that one could tell they weren’t made with great quality materials or techniques. I also don’t shop for $600 trendy shoes -- are they also made from inferior materials & techniques?
The GOP still controls the Senate so even if the House impeaches Trump, I don’t think the GOP cowards in the Senate would convict him.
Are you honestly saying that racism — and specifically racist voter suppression — was not a factor in the 2018 elections? Do you recall the voter ID law in North Dakota that was pretty much targeted to disenfranchise the Native American population? How about Georgia where they wanted to close polling places in a…
May I ask an ignorant white woman question? I read an article where Michelle Obama’s hair stylist said she quit chemically straightening her hair while in the White House. But her hair was almost always straight back then — so was this by using flat irons and/or blow out techniques?
This is the part I really don’t understand. If you don’t want women to have abortions, the very least you should do is help eliminate unwanted pregnancies.
I had some hope back in 2016 that she would be a moderating influence on her father, but apparently staying in daddy’s good graces is too important to her. She is as awful as the rest of that corrupt family.
I accept there is institutional racism. But how do we fix it? You can’t just wave a wand and make it go away. Do you start with changing how schools are funded? That will upset people who pay more for houses to be in “better” school districts and it will be slow change but at least it is workable. I think there also…
I hope this judge will send a message that lying to protect a bad cop makes you a bad cop -- and a criminal -- too.
This is exactly what I came to post. If I were sexually harassed by someone who had the power to affect my career prospects, I would make sure to stay polite — and even friendly — in my correspondence with him. I might loathe him behind his back but to his face I’d stay nice enough to keep from being blacklisted.
Maybe. But my niece-in-law just posted on Facebook that they are having a boy. No “clever” stunts or cakes or parties required.
She is a hero. And she was treated horribly by the Senate GOP who cared more about a “win” than whether they were confirming a liar and sexual assaulter to the Supreme court.
How did you ever get out of the grays? Grow up.
It’s too soon. I don’t want to see Louis CK or Matt Lauer or any of these guys have a comeback — not yet. I don’t know how long is long enough but this idea that they feel like they have a right to a comeback without any evidence of changing how they behave or acknowledging the harm they have done is aggravating.
“Your potato salad if 1) this is one of the first 22 times you’ve tried to make it or 2) if you’re a white person with no Southern roots”