
I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.

Lol, is everything you say always so cliche’? You truly have a gift for being pathetic at being condescending.

I don’t even play mmos. I was just pointing out that you’re an asshole. Nice assuming though.

Your condescending and annoying way of mocking other people is also pretty cringe worthy.

That’s definitely a good point. And when I inevitably get hooked I won’t have to worry about it ending any time soon.

Yeah, I’ve only heard amazing things about One Piece. I’ll just have to force myself to start watching sooner than later, because I’m sure it’ll hook me. I’ll just have to make sure to have a filler list on hand so I can skip those (though I’ve heard One Piece’s fillers are generally pretty good).

Wow, that saber combat looks remarkably terrible. So stiff and janky.

I’m missing out on one of the best series aren’t I? I’ve always wanted to get into OP, but just too intimidated by the sheer amount of episodes and/or chapters. It’s on Crunchyroll so I really have no excuse.

I think garbage is a terrible exaggeration, but it’s certainly not as great as everyone made it out to be. The gameplay is excellent, but that’s about all there is to it. There’s hardly no story, you wonder around aimlessly in only 2 open areas with nothing to do in them except walk around and look for little boxes to

For me Destiny is like that reoccurring party your friends keep talking about, saying how awesome it is, but you never had a chance to go to. =/

Ah okay, that explains it. Thanks for clearing that up.

I didn’t know that. That’s pretty interesting.

Haha that’s a good point. Making her trans just so it’s okay to hit her is a PR shitstorm waiting to happen. I remember hearing about that too now that you mention it. But that raises the question, why is it okay to hit all the other girls in the game?

Well I suppose you have a point there.

I was thinking the same thing. If there was ever an acceptable time to use the word “baller,” I’d say that house earns it.

Sort of. I think it’s super weak how Capcom backpedaled and left it ambiguous for American audiences. Like it’s some evil taboo thing that we can’t handle.

To be fair, Street Fighter has always been incredibly racist and stereotypical, so it’s not surprising that they continue making characters like this. I’m honestly surprised they have been able to get away with it like they have.

Man, I loved a lot of those animes, and they were quite popular as well. I’m really surprised to see a studio as awesome as this one go under. I would have never guessed they were in trouble.

I’ve been saying this since I started playing over a year ago! A Japanese pantheon would be so awesome! They could do so much with it. Off the top of my head, they could make a totally unique ukiyo-e styled samurai or something.

How does a glitch video have anything to do with the way the actual skating works? Most games have glitches. That’s completely separate from how they actually play.