
Yeah, Kotaku is biased as fuck and will jump at the chance to defend this kind of shit just because they’re a woman, or black, etc.

Black people are thieves.

Fail. You misspelled “Manila” in both the headline and the lead. Aren’t you supposed to be a journalist? What about your editor?

It’s funny, you can post something positive and get no responses, but the second you make a mistake 10 people will pop up to correct you even when someone else already has.

It’s not giving someone something bit by bit? That’s literally how episodic games work.

I would say FF7 as a joke (because it’s so ridiculous) but those bastards actually ARE making it episodic.

Is criticism a new concept to you or something? How can anyone with any brain mass whatsoever be surprised that not everyone will be pleased regardless of the situation?

Exactly. I don’t want to be spoon fed pieces of a game and have to wait for the rest of it. With so many games releasing these days especially, I’m guaranteed to have moved onto something else before the next piece of the game releases.

But do enough new kickstarters come around for video games and things like that to give a youtube channel enough material to make multiple videos every week about them?

They aren’t mismanaged though. And if they were what proof do you have? They decided to cut a division that presumably generates the least amount of money. That’s the opposite of mismanaging...

Are kids still arguing over which system is better?

Holy crap, I didn’t know Key and Peele were in that video!

Well, there’s a big difference between a company taking 3-4 years to make a big game and how long they’ve taken to make FF15, Kingdom Hearts 3, etc.

Wow you guys didn’t even try with this one huh? Another clickbait article guaranteed clicks because it’s about Star Wars.

Honestly when they announced it I wasn’t that excited. Not because I don’t love FF7, but because I just assume anything they announce now won’t actually ever come out.

So out of the new ones you’d say Erased is the one worth watching? I’ve still got so many anime to catch up on from previous seasons >_< but I still like to try to catch at least one from the new seasons as they air.

Don’t feel too bad. He probably got paid a shit load of money for it.

I’ve noticed how much more clickbaity their articles have been getting lately too. Guess they are part of Gawker after all.

It’s funny, because I’ve been saying Fallout 4 looks just like the old ones (crap graphics, full of bugs, etc.) since it launched, but if you dared to speak negatively about it then you’d get called a graphics whore or some other derogatory word. But now apparently it’s okay because hype has worn off.

Well when you put it that way, it sounds pretty fun! My favorite was Symphonia, loved Abyss, and really liked Legendia. I haven’t played any of the recent ones, but always wanted to play Vesperia.