
I wouldn’t say that. Skate 3 had a realistic mode which played like Skate 1 but better. The physics were so much more fine tuned in Skate 3. Maybe you just didn’t play the realism mode?

The truth. I’ve never backed anything, but I always thought this was common knowledge. Afaik this is how investing works. Sometimes your investment pays off, sometimes now. Backers are basically investors.

Basically my fear is that the pvp component is like Xenoverse, if you’ve ever played that. The pvp is completely broken coming down to whoever hast he highest level and cheapest skills winning. I much prefer pvp in games to rely on skill rather than how much time you spend grinding for good gear/moves. But are you

Oh god dude, there’s no way I’m reading all that.

I don’t know man. To be honest I think I’m just having a bad couple days and judging way too harshly. Sorry about being so condescending.

I think you mean “ill-thought-out.” And I don’t need to go into an in-depth analysis on why art like this has been done to death.

I do. Don’t assume things just because of anonymity. And regardless of what I do or do not create, that’s irrelevant to whether or not the realistic cartoon character thing is played out.

I agree, it’s such a stupid idea. It would totally kill the immersion for me.

Ah the ol’ realistic/edgy version of cartoon characters. Because that’s not overdone to death yet or anything.

This is one of the many reasons I’ll probably never buy this game. I loved Halo for the pvp. I’d like to have that same experience on PS4, especially with all the cool armor/weapons in Destiny, but apparently Bungie gave up on that type of multiplayer. FPS imo are most fun when pvping.

If you honestly think that, you’re just being ignorant. There’s not nearly as much to do to set a PC as you’re making it seem. And on top of that you get to keep your games no matter what upgrades you do, you don’t pay to play online, you’re free to mod your games as you wish, and most importantly you can get 60+fps

Their kickstarter page has an overwhelming amount of unhappy comments. They have apparently been deleting unfavorable comments, which is never a good sign. This company sounds like a bunch of thieves who just pulled the old “bait n’ switch.”

Something tells me most people buying consoles are doing so because they don’t know how to install anything. In other words...

This article hits close to home! I’ve been thinking it was just me, but I’m glad to hear most people in my generation are experience this. When I was little I’d play every big game, but now I’m lagging behind.

Check your privilege bro!

Damn, you’re just getting swarmed by all the retarded Destiny fanboys. My heart goes out to you.

I would lose my shit if they gave the Spider-Man franchise to these guys. No one has been able to do it justice since Spider-Man 2 (and maybe WoB and Ultimate).

Haha, yeah it’s great. Naruto had some great openings in its early days.

I’ll never be able to play these games as long as they keep Knuckles looking like a damn gorilla.

Haruka Kanata has to be one of my favorite songs ever. So many good memories when I hear it.