You don’t know what you’re talking about kid. Even the creator of God of War admitted that his games weren’t as good as DMC and he aspired for them to be.
You don’t know what you’re talking about kid. Even the creator of God of War admitted that his games weren’t as good as DMC and he aspired for them to be.
The game has a lot of problems, which many are talking about on the Steam forums. Controllers not working, cumbersome online setup (opening ports, etc, no GGPO like it was promised), no borders on the sides with its 4:3 aspect ratio, horrible UI (such as two modes named “arcade” with no differentiation), no high…
This looks so awesome! I only have two complaints; 1. It would be a lot better with actual momentum physics so that it would require more skill and be more rewarding to get going fast. and 2. It’s not on Steam.
That seriously sucks. I still play Skate 3 to this day to just kill time and skate around. It’s such an awesome game, that could be so much better with a sequel.
For a few years now we’ve all been joking about how you get less and less, and in the future you’d only get the first part of a game. Especially with that picture of the painting being sold in sections.
Shit like microtransactions in a game I pay full price for makes me seriously consider just pirating it. I was fully prepared to even preorder this on Steam but what incentive do I have to be honest if the company selling me the game isn’t?
Billy Zane would have been the perfect Lex Luthor. Jesse Eisenberg as Lex just seems like such a terrible casting decision.
I don’t think Nintendo knows what the internet is, period. Have you played SSB for the 3DS? Awful. You can’t even create rooms to play with a friend and randoms at the same time.
I’m not sure if you’re trolling or just incredibly ignorant.
Paying to play online is a joke. This is one of the many reasons while I switched over to PC.
I actually feel almost obligated to pirate games with bullshit DLC practices. Especially ones where they clearly withhold content to charge extra as DLC. To be clear though, if pirating wasn’t an option, I probably would never buy said games anyway.
What shock! A clearly intelligent, good looking millionaire who has at least one good PR representative knows exactly what to say in order to make himself look good.
In all seriousness, what the hell is wrong with you?
Or just autistic?
Lol, so apparently I forgot to add mentally retarded to that.
Man, racist and mad at the world... I’m sure you have a ton of friends in real life.
English isn’t your first language huh?