
Boy, you sure don’t sound like a very happy person. I’m not sure what crap has happened to you in your life, but it’s no excuse to take it out on others just because there’s a veil of anonymity.

Whether or not MS is out innovating Sony is entirely opinion. Also, hardware specs are not relative terms at all. Something is or isn’t more powerful.

One time I went to attend the graduation open house of a girl I liked with my friend. After walking around and mingling, and then finally talking to the girl who the open house was actually for, we realized we were in the wrong place and didn’t know anyone.

Wow, calling me “a piece of shit” because you don’t like what I said. No, that DEFINITELY helps your argument about racism. Nice work!

You don’t have very good reading comprehension do you? First of all, I don’t like consoles in general. Secondly, I said Xbox is the weakest option, primarily in terms of hardware.

Wow, those guys are amazing! Such an inspiration. I think I’m going to have to order some of their work asap.

It’s not a very good product with unique titles though. And have you forgotten the shit they tried to pull at launch, but were quickly forced to change? It’s also probably the weakest option out of PS4 and PC.

So basically the gist is, big businesses can do whatever the want and the smaller man will always lose. Capitalism is awesome!

Yeah! We should just all bend over and let these big businesses steamroll their way through whomever and whatever in order to get what they want!

Too bad this game is a broken mess of a port on PC. Like playing online? Well good luck getting a match that isn’t a horrible lag fest. Sucks that the situation got almost no coverage on Kotaku when it came out. The more these types of ports are ignored, the more the niche PC community suffers.

The thing is though, games like GTAV have so many different awesome things that can happen because it’s so open. Also, way more people play it so there’s more chance of something rare happening.

Ah, I really liked hearing the main character’s thoughts and seeing his reaction to stuff. Do you know if P5’s main character will be more vocal? I heard some people speculating that he will.

No I haven’t played that yet. It’s in my Steam library though, so I will get to it soon hopefully!

My wife is actually the one who wanted to get rid of our dining table because we have a bar that works just as well. So not every girl cares about that!

I haven’t played the game, but I don’t know what could be a spoiler looking at that video.

The worst part is, after they fix it, most people will probably forget this ever happened and go back to preordering their next game.

Don’t you dare talk bad about XI!

Hijacking your comment here; So I’ve never played a Persona game (no clue why because I’ve loved jrpgs since they were just called”rpgs”) BUT I own and have beaten Catherine and I absolutely loved it, especially the story part.

I meant with all the extremely anti-consumer things they were going to do with the Xbox One before everyone complained. Then they changed those things and everyone seems to have forgotten the fuckery MS tried to pull.

When you put it that way it sounds like a lot of fun. I mean they definitely must be doing something right to have such a big fanbase. I only wish they would respect that fanbase a little bit more. Take a look at Rockstar or the creators of Witcher 3. They prove that you can have a great high profile game and really