Jeez, I don’t look at Deadspin for 10 hours or so and I miss the most exciting thing that’s happened around here since Manti Teo. Thanks for posting that screengrab!
Jeez, I don’t look at Deadspin for 10 hours or so and I miss the most exciting thing that’s happened around here since Manti Teo. Thanks for posting that screengrab!
Yup. SMDH.
When I grabbed the gif this morning I thought it was mythbusters, but now I’m not sure - what show is it?
Dan Quinn is getting crispy on both sides, unlike a certain Bay Area coach who consistently is left and forgotten face up under the broiler.
I also remember that the prostitute in question was actually an undercover cop.
[nods in approval]
If you want your car to automatically brake for collisions...
(silly headline writer Draymond plays basketball)
The 120-92 final score actually understates just how poorly things went for the Warriors. At halftime, they were down 70-37, marking the first time since 2006 that Golden State had been down 30 or more points at halftime, and the team’s largest halftime deficit since 1997. In those first two quarters, Kerr’s boys…
Ok, ok, the Guy is from Lawrence, but won’t you tell us his name??
Couldn’t happen to a more deserving group of con artists, hypocrites, idiots, and perhaps maybe some decent people who got brainwashed by their parents.
I think/hope OU’s playoff chances probably died because of crapping the bed for the first 47 minutes of the game
I had good McDee’s ice cream, but that was in the mid-80s and I’m probably just feeling the nostalgia kicking in.
I have a similar theory about the food at casual-dining places like Chili’s, TGIFridays, Outback, etc sucking more in big cities because anyone who wants to work a kitchen can find more rewarding and hopefully better paying work at an upscale restaurant.
Ummm I think I’m glad I didn’t consider donating to these people.
Whether you want to eat a burger that’s been approved by a dead person is entirely up to you.
I could’ve sworn I drove past a Burger King the other day, but there was no one there, so in a way it’s like there’s no such thing. ;)
Texas-style, with beans, or the dreaded Cincinnati-style (Skyline)?
With a name like “Vlatko Andonovski” he has the immediate support and admiration of the Big Cheeto himself!