Soon rat parents will begin haranguing their rat kids about getting a job and joining the human-race!
Soon rat parents will begin haranguing their rat kids about getting a job and joining the human-race!
Over at Deadspin they have a whole category of blog called “Very Short Debates.”
Mmmm.... pickled nits.... [Homer drooling sound]
Little known fact: the Spice Girls started out as a six lady ensemble. Too bad Optional Spice chose her name... poorly.
You mean to tell me a guy with that look, that accent, and already living in LA has no IMDB credits as a straight-to-dvd bad guy?
...beyond the universe’s determination that the Suns not be allowed to experience any prolonged periods of success, ever again.
You go into a slack to try to find a single person to talk to about why there are no cigarettes in the Yesterday universe one time, and you create
a monsterCONTENT.
Beatles are great but so bizarrely overplayed. I could go 20 years without hearing them and be absolutely hunky dory.
The community group’s messaging would be even stronger if it went with as their website.
I had the same mental record-screech at that number. The Google says there are 3,102 worldwide as of last year.
I’d feel better about giving cash to an obvious dope fiend standing at the freeway onramp with a cardboard sign.
But if his decade-old social media faux pas aren’t exposed by a reporter, how can we then go and destroy the reporter for his/her/their own social media blunders???
Re: the header gif - “Fellas! Fellas! Get a room!”
So to sum up, he’s Boylen over with ideas lamer than the pun I just made?
There were no field trips, no cultural expeditions, to Times Square to see what Americans from the many flyover states look and act like?
This is an awful - just plain bad - plotline for the as-yet-unannounced Naked Gun reboot.
Being a HURR BASEBALL MAN, he holds the Constitution’s unwritten rules in higher regard than the written ones.
He did type “rediculous” which I thought was a standard twitter typo but now could be a commie code!
(Cardinals were there first)