The Pope of Chili Town

Alita Battle Angel Hernandez

Tim Burke’s Sam Darnold Meme Generator is the new Jon Gruden Subtly Getting Redder With Each Blog

Why, you could buy a $5 shake with those 5 bucks!

This is pretty good, but if I could pay someone else* to eat the food I ordered and paid for, paid an extra commission on, and then went and picked up myself, I might finally start using Uber Eats.

“Ethnically Iowan”

I’ve never even heard/read “headcanon” before and I hate it. And I’m a bit displeased with you for bringing it to my attention. 

Agreed! I’ve never been as upset with Drew as when he took a dump on “meh”!

Look Doc, if you didn’t bring enough to share with everyone in the class, don’t torment us with it.

In the header pic, Cole went back a couple of years for a reaction meme and unveiled a Standing Dufner:

I’d have gone with RUH-RObles, but to each their own. There’s always the next game!

Now playing


Is that why Thomas was nicknamed “Bay-Bay” at GA Tech? It’s all starting to make sense now!

I’m simply ok with my google image search skills.

I don’t buy food off Amazon and really detest their treatment of workers - warehouse and corporate alike - but are we talking about actually expired food, or just processed foods that have an often unnecessary “expiration date”?

Anyone else read the headline and audibly scoff?

We don’t know that he didn’t slip into the home of Sam Darnold - the one small hope for the Jets - and give him mono, do we?

You should’ve monetized your comment and called Belichick a MALEFICENT MISTRESS OF EVIL asshole. I bet Great Hill Partners would’ve cut you a check instantly for slipping a promotion past all of our still-running ad blockers.