The Pope of Chili Town

But this damn Adam Gase, more determined than ever to salvage this moment and win just this incredibly stupid and pointless battle of wills...

Do you mean this?

When he starts trying to fight the ghosts, we’ll know he is truly Drew’s son.

D E A D Dead Dead Dead!

these days we are all being served too much of mom’s chili. And guys to remember. And shitshow antiques. And...

This guy failed upward so much his head entered his own ass!

Atlanta, and I gave up sports radio a year or two ago. Oh and I guess I haven’t been watching the playoffs since the Bravos were eliminated, just checking highlights etc here

Because the new c-level suits hate us

This blog did not have a godforsaken autoplaying unmuted video. I don’t know what strange alchemy you used in Kinja to pull that off, Barry, but please keep it up!

Know what else sucks? G/O Media reintroducing autoplaying unmuted videos to their sites.

You mean something beyond retailers and radio stations pushing Xmas sooner and sooner every year?

My eyes might be going, but looks like “TITANS” is painted in huge block letters in the end zone throughout this blog’s main video clip.

Maybe Donald was supposed to come to ispineknotty’s kid’s birthday party or something?

If only I had stuck to sports more, I would’ve remembered KD’s sports injury instead of his social media idiosyncrasies. Kids, don’t let this happen to you!

The sea bass were ill-tempered, but then they were able to afford their Prozac prescriptions cause of ObamaCare. Thanks again OBUMMER!!11!

Kevin Durant has already created a half dozen burner accounts to come after you because you left Brooklyn out of your comment.

That is such a weird but spiritually satisfying stat I had to go look it up.

I’m already lamenting his NFL career

Everyone in the front office could grow Hitler ‘staches. That’d definitely look worse, especially if you include the women. 

Smart thinking! It’s not often life offers you a chance to save $105,001.05 with just a single purchase.