Samuel L. Daschund

Holy shit the blood. I never saw these pics before. O.O

They eat all your burgers and hang out with loser stoner friends in a dirty van though.

And their passengers. (Never forget Dr. David Dao in Chicago; April 2017)

I’s be pretty thrilled to get a free Great Dane tho.

I’m so pissed. My BF was the asst manager of a restaurant in Windsor that is going to be the hub of operations for MSNBC and the eejit went and got himself fired, now I have no inside sources close to the action.

I mean, maybe we’re at a point where we can and/or should have these shows be more inclusive in that way. The Queer Eye reboot was very upfront that they dropped the “for the straight guy” from their title so they could include more individuals who identify outside of that category (and I assume in season 2, we’ll see

If the Disney movies teach our kids anything about parental death it’s a) it will lead to a series of adventures or b) they will be adopted by someone richer and cooler than their dead birth parents.

After watching the first Frozen my son told me he wished I’d die like Elsa’s parents, so he and his brother could have an ice rink in the front yard.

Religious people promote stuff like this because its in their best interest to keep people poor, dumb and shackled to their idiot kids and shit jobs.

Seriously though, it seems even more telling that Dunham characterized his lines as a “massive insult of white women” rather than a fairly tame insult towards her character/show (and clueless hipsters like her) specifically.

I’ve been waiting all day (I’m in Europe and it’s nighttime now) for sites to pick up on the Glover-Dunham exchange. Delicious.

and his response was really Donald-y and enigmatic: ‘Let’s not think back on mistakes we made in the past, let’s just focus on what lies in front of us.’ ”

the network’s compromise position was that only a white character who says “Really, nigga?” and “You know how niggas out here are” could use it

I do think that the US’s poor maternal health results are linked to the anti-choice culture we have. Everyone is thinking about saving the baby first, and what the mother wants or needs doesn’t matter. That must bleed over into maternal care. We need to start prioritizing women and our needs in maternal health.

I’m not a Heat/Bosh fan, but what happened to him is a goddamn shame.

It’s also troubling considering what recurring blood clots did to Chris Bosh’s career.

That’s maybe the part of the story that makes me the most mad. She’s had them before. She knows what they feel like. And still, nobody listened to her and she almost died.

The NY Times told the story a week or two ago as part of a larger piece on postnatal treatment for women of color, I think. You may have seen that.

I mean I don’t know how true that is. I am a fan and so I follow her on instagram and homegirl sells everything. Every other post is an ad and it’s directly related to her life.