Samuel L. Daschund

I’m going this weekend, and I am definitely excited. If it is half as good as the trailers, it is going to be amazing. I have heard Killmonger is easily one of the best villains yet. What did you think? And where would you rank it within the Marvel movies?


I have heard Beyonce live, and while she’s very good & head and shoulders above TS, every singer occasionally hits a bad note, even Beyonce. This doesn’t take away from the experience. That’s all I’m saying.

the fact this TS performance sounds good to you means you don’t know what you’re talking about from a technical perspective. you like TS. cool. that’s causing you to hear things that aren’t there.

lol. come on. this was not a blue note, which is just using a flatted 3rd or 7th. this was going for a note and whiffing hard. maybe Taylor was nervous or just had a bad night, which is fine! but this is a classic case of it’s not raining, you’re pissing on my leg.

Probably putter around the house and grounds doing old people shit, because internally they’re old white people?

You like apples too?!?!!??!????!11!1?!

i worked part-time at a department store and told a mother that i attended the same university as her child and she looked at me like i was a talking horse. i didn’t understand it then, and i still don’t get it.

The real-life subtext was clear and yet, for her, convenient to overlook.

That’s how music works now. Embrace the mediocrity.

Ohm, excuse me?

It is! Last time I went we went to the Cheesecake Factory right after which was maybe half a block away!

What lunatic has a second child just so the first doesn’t have ‘to face an environmental collapse alone.’????

this is obnoxious as fuck but her eyebrows are on point

Awwww SnackWells. When I was a kid my mom definitely fell for those for a time. I have a soft spot in my heart for these ones:

I was literally polishing off a small bag of Cool Ranch doritos as I read this and had reached the “tipping the bag into mouth for crumbs” section right at that goddamn paragraph.

gay white men are some of the most racist people i know. but one need only get on the apps and see all the ‘white and hispanic only please, it’s just a preference’ to have the receipts on that.

Chick-filler’s (sorry, thats how I read it) former head (succeeded by his son I believe) donated quite a bit to anti gay marriage initiatives. So that’s a pass for me, though as a vegitarian Athiest I wasn’t likely to frequent them for more than fries.

Also, is this some kind of cheesy, low-rent 1980's movie, where a woman is raped so that men can experience personal growth? Um, how about NO to that?

How utterly despicable.