Samuel L. Daschund

I would probably faint if MJB DM'd me

I'm waiting for North West to take over the throne

Are Kendall's old lips not six feet under yet?

such a beautiful Japanese woman. She looks so happy!

all my feels when they all hugged her.

if your just a interracial couple who doesn't want kids people hate you. They just want your "cute mixed babies."

Serena and her sister are HOT

I JUST bought this at target. Now I want to hurry up and try it after I post this. Thanks for reaffirming my purchase!

I JUST bought this at target. Now I want to hurry up and try it after I post this. Thanks for reaffirming my

that coconut and pear one is off the chain. a tube fell out when I was bike riding and I was so bummed.

that coconut and pear one is off the chain. a tube fell out when I was bike riding and I was so bummed.

But they are Dessert Quesadillas!

if you have two tone lips, putting foundation makes the lips one even tone for application of the lipstick very essential if you are darker. No need to rub and push hard on lipstick to get the color and have a pound of it on your lips, just 1 maybe 2 light coats if you are using a pigmented color. Especially when

Lego needs to get it together. I work at a Big Box store and all the Legos geared towards girls only do the following:


Its the Riviera and the show is called Crazy Girls. They even have a bronze statue where you can take pictures with the butts

Nene has an amazing skill of reading people and throwing shade. Which is why she has been on RHOA for so long. Both would make great add-ons to the show because Gulianna Ranic is boring and made a fool of her self (dread/locs comment) many times. It would be great if both were on and Gulianna was gone.

isn't Mia Goth a character in The Sims?

Dont forget his own show princes Of Malibu with his brother Brandon and Spencer Pratt before The Hills.

that show still exists at the rio. I was in vegas and my friends and I laughed at how out dated that show is. I'm guessing that was the "inspiration"

Vaginal steaming is pretty great.