Damn that was a good album
Damn that was a good album
Here ya go: http://blog.okcupid.com/index.php/race…
She can't sing. Nor does she even try to get lessons to even improve. She was already caught lip syncing and then yelling fuck when the mic actually came on. Her stage presence is weak with no clear identity of who she is as an artist or as a singer. She struggles to sing a very easy song like come get it on a regular…
YOU PEOPLE (yes I said you people) are color blind. that is clearly white and gold. Or you got crap computer monitors
Or Hustle & Flow
What U Do was a jam for like 1 week in the early 2000's I swear it was!
So tired of Rebecca's low budget girl with the dragon tattoo look
everything except the wild banshee stuff thats in their nature
Kids at that age are sponges. they will pick what is taught to them if you keep at it.
Because His Fathers name is Robert Arthur Kardashian. He is also named Robert Arthur Kardashian
I hope he turns around in the next year or so. He has a lot of potential to have his own business that isn't annoying or Kris tainted. I always wanted Scott and Rob to do a Mens line together Scott formal wear Rob casual wear.
I'm waiting for Scott to have his own show. He has a mini series on E! but its not enough.
I'm a native(one of the few left) and I can tell you that you can even though sadly rent used to be $300-800 in the late 90s early 2ooos for the same english basement your paying for right now.
I'd rather live in Nova than PG.
I think her apology was pretty darn sincere. I just can't look at her because of the big head tiny body ratio thing going on.
Brookland. I'm moving to Nova to get closer to my job. Most people in the next few years will be moving back to Nova as new development is coming. I'm Moving to a 1 Bedroom for $1400 in Nova.
Big Hero 6 Yasssss! Idk if it just me, when I heard the synopsis of the film Whiplash I thought that themain characters would be played by a black male (Micheal B. Jordan possibly??). I'm sure Miles Teller did a great job but it just lost interest once I saw the trailer.