there are still more white people than black in North America. So any profession, including media, is more likely to employ more white people than black
there are still more white people than black in North America. So any profession, including media, is more likely to employ more white people than black
a whole world of spice all packed into 1 DVD. too much spice to handle
White dominated media/people pick and choose the acceptable black folks. Its like You have to be an "exceptional negro" for you to be considered for any traits, recognition or praise for your talents typically given to white people. Not sure which is worse you shuck and jive for the money and fame or you get gawked…
SPICE WORLD is on netflix if anyone cares to watch
my conspiracy theory that Lorde's music is brainwashing our girls to join her army to take over the world continues....
this reminds me alot of Canadian singer Grimes. something about that dark, spooky witch house music just gets to me. Willow smith is everything the young people need right now lol
also you need a option for "my hips are wide as fuck have me seated next to skinny mini not another hippy McGee like myself" people
you do know that was a joke right? how about she didn't have a proper eat piece to even hear what they were saying half of the time.
this is basically how I have every conversation with my great aunt on her cell phone. I just end up letting her talk and when shes done talking she just goes "I love you bye bye" and hangs up before I can say the same.
I just need him for family functions, you know so my aunts and uncles can stop bugging me if I'm dating.
Jesus Christ wtf did I just read fucking racists. White people just need to let shit go sometimes. Pete & Pete was only 3 seasons and GOT CANCELLED.
Oliva better take uber, Otherwise I'm gonna beat her to room#207 for jakebootycall
#teamjake. that cutie with a nice booty needs to stay out of trouble.
I don't care what race you are you cannot convince me to eat chickpea tabbouleh or whatever the fuck that is. #whitepeoplekitchen #whitepeoplefood
In other news, water is even wetter.
I just can't relate to Lena or any of the characters on her show. Because I don't relate I just don't get the wild praise and recognition she has earned. But I get this feeling about Taylor Swift as well.