damn! that booty
damn! that booty
i'll say it again, her, selena gomez and lucy hale are members of fetus face club
then make your kids lunch if you don't like what the school provides.
In other news water is wet.
If you can't acknowledge someones race then you can't see the struggles one has due to it. JUST LIKE THIS ARTICLE.
Racism and colorism.
you must be one of those "I don't see color" folks
Just because they don't value me doesn't mean I don't. In my mind I'm a better speaking Beyonce.
I'm starting to feel that way. I have my world they have their stolen yoga lily white world. just today I saw a white lady who made a quick walk back to sit on the unlit side of the subway car then sit on the lit side with myself and 3 other black people. I'm fucking done.
Hello! They don't care about us! Black women and Men are fighting theses battle alone. They will not fight with us or care to. It's always our "fault and problem" till we are all dead or in jail or they brainwash us with whiteness. No matter how aware of the privilege they have we will never be seen as equal. shit…
did you miss the white on white or black on black assaults?
Even Kanye can't resist those biscuits. After seeing him so happily take down some ice cream on MULTIPLE occasions I know he is a foodie.
"he went on to play a show at the Rod Laver Arena"
this is vogue remember? majority super thin white. they have two things that are working against them. Nicki looks "fat" standing next to them.
I like EdenFantasys.com and ebay I only use adam&eve.com for splurges
I thank your mother very much. clean your foreskin on the regular so no funky build up
just a reminder how long this has been happening to young black men. (NSFW)
That little nod to "He Won't Go" is really nice in "Never Gonna Leave You"