Samuel L. Daschund

THANK YOU!! Finally someone said it. it's like she brainwashed herself with a little help of Kris Jenner and fame. Its one thing to be optimistic Kim down right goes into lala-land when anything difficult about her life (sex tape, death of her father, 2 failed marriages) gets criticized. I honestly believe she

$1000 isn't that hard to drop. SSex shops are ridiculously overpriced compared to online retailers.

As you misspelled the last time I did the first name, Bing Crosby.

Those hips weren't lying they gave me all sort of DIY/Home Depo secrets!

Bill Crosby the singer?

The real winner is that cute baby Amaya shes such a cute little dumpling. But she will be "exasperated" once the new baby is here because she will then be the middle child :(

Dang Hilary You wrote a whole article about little old me??

anyone of the top members of fetus club creep me out. Selena Gomez, Ariana Grande and Lucy Hale

Bullshit. that was really bad.

part of me thinks it was planned. I mean I have something to say when someone cuts me in line at the grocery store. Taylor said NOTHING!!???!!! WTF??

"dancing" and "singing"

yeah I must have gone to the bathroom during this part. didn't see them at all

the fact that she just stood there looking stupid, didn't even put up a fight for her award or her air time thank you speech.

who are these girls? I must have missed this part.

Best Female Video: Katy Perry — "Dark Horse [ft. Juicy J]"

Never forget.

"sweet guitar act" "rachet twerking act" all the same

Now playing

All I can think of Mariah singing her 2005 hit in her home with Jermaine Dupree as backup being all fancy and Diva-like.

Sorry but dominos has better

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