Can Pintrest Pop Country be a new genre? All those mason jars and barn weddings need something for the ladies other than those folky mumford and sons type bands.
Can Pintrest Pop Country be a new genre? All those mason jars and barn weddings need something for the ladies other than those folky mumford and sons type bands.
I follow her blog on tumblr. I see all the pretty in her life and see how much they cost and ALWAYS end up hating myself and my non-fashionable non-New York life.
He found is group where he belonged. He was bullied for being fat but the jugglao community made him feel like the special snowflake he is. He had mental instability. we need to start awareness for troubled white kids who feel like they don't belong. The Cops didn't know any better.
They don't really care about us. We don't really have allies do we?? Some might feel bad and boo hoo on a computer screen or in a protest but when media coverage dies down they will go back to the comfortable lives or down right steal or exploit what culture we have and make our progress even harder.
you kinda late on the sharknado perfume.
As someone who has to bag all your back to school supplies I approve you shopping online and leaving me helping little old ladies with groceries. You stopping me 20 times to debate if you want the folder with the dog on it and your child kicking me in the knee.
can you add selena gomez to the fetus face club??
you don't have to dress like a gangbanger to get shot
Its not that big of a deal if your life isn't on the line in white suburbia.
why should white teens get a pass if they have to interact with other races from the start?? these conversations needed to happen long ago not AFTER they do something like this. Minority children don't get that same privilege.
yeah gangs are stupid and are okay to make fun of till you get shot or assaulted just minding your own business.
no excuse if other teens aren't pulling the same shit. there is no excuses if you are 15 in 2014 and Justin Beiber gets called out for similar stuff. Look at the parents who need to have these conversations. No excuse if minority kids have to hear this shit before they are 10. Also they had a picture with weapons.
I watched this quick BBC Doc on Cam girls. Very interesting side gig.
I feel you Noah. I had to watch the news with my grandpa for the power ball too.
I love it too but my keg belly is not crop top ready :(
Solange has been busy traveling doing the Finding me thing. She is featured on the new Chromeo Album so maybe she will be in the video if she isn't too busy again
but I don't know a single person in real life who dresses like her.