Spaceman Bill Leah

You know what Mark? I vowed when I had kids, I would never read them Grimm's Fairy Tales because they were so fucked up and I hated them. I had kids and kept my promise. So much so that when my 5 year old was a bird in his school's production of "Hansel and Gretel," I was all "since when was there a bird in this?" My

If Terrance West doesn't want to keep getting unsolicited explicit images, maybe he can add an IP-blocking feature, a tiered-contacts policy with unvetted messages appearing as gray, or block images entirely.

I don't want to be that person, but i love this story and if they fuck this up I SWEAR TO GOD

Oh! And the next house I lived in, five of us... my BFF and I were both relatively neat people and the other 3 were slobs. I'm OK with some sloppiness, not OCD or anything, but this was true filthiness, as in, moldy dishes and a sign on the lawn saying "Rodents Welcome."

You guys, there is only one right way to stack donuts.

That's so irresponsible—that dispatcher basically encouraged you to assume someone else would always make the 911 call and not step in in the future! Grrrrrr.

I watched Sesame St, Reading Rainbow, the Muppet Show, and 1980s Saturday morning cartoons at 6yrs.

Good. My Little Pony is stupid.

It's not all landlords though

I was just today thinking, I wondered what the Jez-verse take on "Jan" from the recent Toyota ads would be. One ad, her pregnancy is not acknowledged, but not hidden. Another, she is actually congratulated on her pregnancy.

This is my real-life right now! I'm over 5 months pregnant, but it's a high-risk pregnancy so I just don't feel like talking about it to anyone outside my tiny little group. I constantly make sure I have a very large purse, jacket or whatever to cover my bump. It's getting really hard though since I'm 4'11 and

And then there's Maude.

"We need to privatize everything-even education."
"Some PUBLIC TELEVISION hippy who is NOT EVEN WHITE is sort of doing that."

I feel the moms would win because the whole "but...but...will no one think of the CHILDREN!" bitch-moan basically wins over every other bitch-moan.

Has there ever been a real evaluation of the impact of Accutane on patients?

Now playing

Oh man, the world of teen death opens right up with late 50s, early 60s music. Don't get in a car any time during the Eisenhower administration.

I am the owner of both of those pages and I am not the Lauren that you're looking for. I am not a runner. I do however appreciate the exposure to my personal information, because I have recieved phone calls and emails telling me that they hope I never run again, as well as slander towards my business. Thanks Internet,

So Arya stabs a guy in the neck and runs away.

That would be cool. We have some of the nicest napping spots in the Southwest scattered throughout our yard, both sunny and shady. We feed Purina Natural Something Something and a 1/4 can of Friskies every night. The fountain pump has finally been replaced, ending the nightmare of having to drink still water.