He gets much better. Maybe kind of a Skinner? He's also apparently hilarious on Twitter while the show airs, so there's that.
He gets much better. Maybe kind of a Skinner? He's also apparently hilarious on Twitter while the show airs, so there's that.
Putting mustaches on babies is never not funny.
I accidentally watched Dads for 20 minutes last night because it came on after baseball and I had a cat on my lap and no remote. It was 20 minutes straight of finger in the anus. Never again, sorry cat, your comfort is just not worth it.
I bet it will look awesome. I'm going to be Katniss based entirely on my way too long hair and the fact that the outfit is pretty much me buying new clothes that I will wear again anyways. And boots!
But does he have a tiny pet giraffe?
My dogs couldn't take all the pitching changes last night and went to bed with my husband. Or maybe it was all the yelling. Who can tell?
This also works for walking out of bars with unfinished drinks. Or extra large novelty glasses. So I've heard.
I feel like all three of those could be answered by watching Blade.
My husband learned the hard way that he had to turn that 15 minute stored password "feature" off if he didn't want the toddler spending his money.
This is the SpaceKid nearly five years ago (sniff), with his cake. And the white shirt, it seems like a good idea at the time?
Firmer, hmmm. Sometimes? But it is definitely a mass issue along with a significant increase in the OH MY GOD WHAT IS GOING <i>ON</i> IN THERE? factor.
Wait until you start solids. Then you will see.
If she wants to find friends to pull guys with, all she needs to do is get on the one and only bus going to Amherst.
As a Smithie, a straight girl and a native of WMass, no. Just no. This wouldn't even fly at most of the public high schools in the area much less East Coast lesbian Mecca.
Since you are looking for a specific breed you could consider contacting a Chihuahua rescue. You may have better luck find the right pup for you!
I am absolutely certain it doesn't stay there forever so waiting it out is a legitimate option. As many others have pointed out, two hours is probably the minimum. If alcohol didn't clear from the breast milk then mother's would never be able to drink because it would continually build up over time which it doesn't.
Yes, please. Don't only take my word for it. Definitely not a doctor, just a woman with two kids and a desperate love of fancy beer.
Alcohol does enter breast milk but it gets processed out just like it does from the bloodstream. Moms can either choose to pump and dump to relieve engorgement while tipsy or just wait it out. The basic rule of thumb is that if you can feel the effects of the alcohol, you shouldn't be breastfeeding at that moment.
Shopping for gender neutral baby clothes? I hope you like ducks!