Spaceman Bill Leah

I started outright laughing at Shower-Handel and am still snickering to myself several minutes later.

Ghost Story, by Peter Straub. I am not even sure how it ends because I stopped reading about three years ago and haven't gotten the will to pick it back up.

This is what he looked like before I fixed the cowl.

Late to the party but whatever. My little superhero last year.

I laugh because it keeps me from weeping.

Hawaii isn't another country. So asking people if they speak English because they are brown... that's raycess.

Great minds think alike! Thanks for finding the link.

There is a great Radiolab episode about the studies into microchimerism and how they determined that it is a good thing but also maybe a bad thing.

The trash monster! With Jerry from ER. That is one of my all-time favorite episodes.

No lie: This commercial made me fall off a treadmill the first time I saw it.

Rinse out poop? Throw that nastiness away. A 7 pack of superhero underpants is $15.

Wait, wait, wait. You mean there are things we DON'T know about Tyra yet?

To be fair, the food is pretty good there so I can see how dieting became a necessity. But seriously, as a former Smithie, I want to read the hell out of this.

I don't really have a question. I just wanted to say hi. Hi.

I think if there was some sort of famous alumnae popularity contest, she would win hands down.

Nope, just strangers who both like gymnastics, reading and media critique.

You gotta take that up with NBC.

Dvora certainly isn't speaking out of turn here. For the whole run of the Olympics so far, the announcers have been harping on Gabby's "focus issues" and how she "let's her mind wander." How that is possible while hurtling through the air I don't know, but rightly or wrongly metal toughness has most definitely been a

I don't need to make breakfast for my cat. My fat, diabetic Molson will just steal the bacon and toast off your plate.