Spaceman Bill Leah

Get Here Comes Science IMMEDIATELY. It has the added bonus of having a song with one throwaway line in the refrain that pisses off the Christian Fundies.

The first time the SpaceKid dropped an F-bomb I asked him if he learned that from daddy in the car. His answer" "No, in the car, daddy says 'doosh!'"

This is exactly what I would do except in my case I'd be the one flayed open. I'd ask to have it put on a monitor or something because that shit is awesome.

Reefs, I have those! I even have lady parts. I definitely find that people are usually split between the "that's awesome" and "that's gross" camps along gender lines though.

Well good for them. Now who is going to make up for the fact that I had to wear pleated khaki shorts with opaque hose and white sneakers and socks while I worked at the Disney Store?

And the SpaceKid just had his birthday. Oh, darn. Maybe next year.

Could they be cooking their food in peanut oil?

I was just talking about her at work yesterday. I think I told my co-worker that I wanted to roll around naked in her wig closet.

You should tell them about Dollywood and Blow. Their. Minds.

That's my kind of parenting right there. Yay!

Uhh yeah, sorry about that. When I had the Spacebaby her lojack kept falling off and setting off the alarms. Like, four times in one afternoon. Finally they came in and gave her a new on that was much, MUCH tighter.

Sigh, It's like looking back in time. I'd like to set her up on a playdate with the SpaceKid.

A few weeks ago, after already having watched a shit ton of TV the SpaceKid was cajoling me to turn it back on. After being denied all his cartoon suggestions, he finally said, "OK. But can you watch football?"

There were some pretty lonely years for ALL Pats fans between 1985 and now. I still remember my dad being a sad, sad man come Sundays. Weirdly it took me moving to Chicago to get into football. Now I have two teams to root for.

I am snort laughing at my desk. This is truly why the internet was invented.

They can have taco mix girl over for dinner parties.

Oh, Manic Potato Boy, how I love you so.

What is there to not like about the Elf?

And it's pronounced "Ammerst".

After buying my first real tree in five years I realized I am allergic to them. This was a super bummer until firry asshole fell the fuck over. Now my prelit plastic wonder is back in my life and I couldn't be happier.