Spaceman Bill Leah

@donveynor (is Annie McNoFace): You family would get along with my family. My uncle used to say "Git me a pillow!" then fall asleep on the floor.

@MakeMeSmile: I keep thinking about the whole" throwing the baby out with the bathwater" thing but it doesn't make any sense in the soap-selling context.

So they swapped out Iman's waist for her husband's?

@Queenjulie: I would not start an argument with you about that.

This man has secretly had a personality affecting brain aneurysm or it's all some kind of weird performance art, right?

Scalping dolls, dead things, being called John? Pssht, they have nothing to worry about.

Would it have been too much for him to just fall?

@Phendraana: I hear you on the plugs. I myself wear ball-rings or whatever they are called and rotate them daily to clean out any, um, undesirable buildup. After 10+ of the same earrings, I seems to have landed on a system that works.

@Agent355: I take mine off too and live in fear of the whole toilet scenario. I have managed to avoid this by just shoving them in my pocket or leaving them at my desk before I go. Of course that only works if you trust your coworkers.

When my two "old" friends would visit me at college, my "new" friends would be all, "How they hell are you friends with these people? They are nothing like you."

@stacyinbean: But would it fit in your living room?

This is like the argument I had with my 5th grade math teacher who wouldn't give me a 100% on one of my tests because she claimed my extra enthusiastic 6 looked too much like a 4.

@zeppogirl: Red/Green capet wear is more like flannel shirts and hunting caps.

@Ding-Dang: Living in Gurnee just may be enough.

@JoliePolie: That I can get down with, it's just that Ming Ming is SUCH a bitch to the poor turtle.

@beezelbubbles: The Wonder Pets, however, can go die in a fire. Goddamn I hate that stupid duck.

@mannequin: I haven't heard anything about Mr. Jay but this wasn't a regular person, it was Anand Jon Alexander (I just looked it up). He was a sometimes designer/guest judge that was convicted on several counts of sexual assault/rape in 2008.