First my mom is a scrunchie wielding sexual deviant and now my dad is some on trend hipster douche. POPULAR MEDIA, STOP MESSING WITH MY FAMILY!
First my mom is a scrunchie wielding sexual deviant and now my dad is some on trend hipster douche. POPULAR MEDIA, STOP MESSING WITH MY FAMILY!
Sending emil to mom asking to ship me her old canning stuff. Good lord, I used to win prizes at the county fair* for this shit. I may as well make it work in my favor.
@Uncommon Whore: She's going to be so confused later today when she checks her messages and finds out one is just 10 minutes of muffled sobbing.
@Uncommon Whore: Well, considering the only person wearing scrunchies anymore is my mo- OH GOD NO! My braaaaaaiiinnnnn!
"Paul Giamatti will replace Sean Penn as Larry in the Three Stooges movie. Benecio Del Toro will play Moe, and Curly has yet to be cast."
Perhaps they should spend less time decorating their new digs and more time addressing the concept of trademark infringement with their design team.
There are, however, abundant size 10's, 12's and 16's.
There is something tragic happening in Jessica Lowndes' chestal area.
I want to be best friends with Lil Mama so I can go over her house and play dress up all day long in her closet. I watch ABDC almost entirely for the days she shows up with something resembling an exploded pigeon glued to her head.
@NefariousNewt: You say this like there isn't already a spec script being written.
@Sadie: @TheFormerJuneBronson: JULIA CAN DO NO WRONG!
Reading about the decay in their friendship in My Life in France made me so sad for some reason.
@cheshirecounty: I was leaning more towards cheap oil painting of company President hanging at corporate HQ.
@hortense: She's sad because no one can remember what happened to her younger brother and sister.
@NefariousNewt: Ding Ding Ding! Which is also the reason the SpaceToddler has a play kitchen.
At age 3, my little sister wanted to be a skunk when she grew up. So.
Radura (terrible), also known by it's more common name, CRAZY EYES.
Thank the non-denominational higher powers! Yesterday was so bad for me at work I just gave up and went to the dentist instead.
@MotherChucker: Sadly, no but I am married to a Canadian so is that close enough?