Spaceman Bill Leah

@oudemia: I was probably the only dork in my neighborhood who had the same reaction to the Bookmobile as I did the ice cream truck... ahhh childhood.

I am this many gorgeous!

Coming this fall to Fox! The DPRK. It's where all the insane dictators live.

@linnyt is a walking cliché: Yeah, this was his original casket. He was reburied in a new on in 2005 after further investigation into his death. But the old one still holds historical significance.

@PhillyLass: They were reselling old graves as new ones and pocketing the cash. That way, cemetery records would still indicate the same amount of occupied graves and the management wouldn't know about the embezzlement.

Of course Obama and Sarkozy are going to have to address this nonsense publicly. It'll be the world's shortest press conference:

@BlondeGoddess: I'd say it's politics/FDA. Things can take much longer to be approved in the US vs. Europe even, not just the developing world.

@margareita metermaid: The do you still like me? YES or NO was the letter he sent to his constituents.

China's government needs even worse international PR like this lady needs a hole in her... well, shit.

@thewildboo: Thank you! I have always wondered the specifics of that since reading the All of a Kind Family books as a kid.

@Lymed: Ok, so here's a serious question about all that. Does the whole dairy/meat thing that people who keep kosher cannot eat cheeseburgers? This has been bothering me for a really long time now.

@ellaesther: The only problem with the awesome that is SSS is that if you slather it on a teeeeensy bit too heavily, it doesn't really repel the bugs, it just encourages them to smother to death in it on you skin.

@labeled: I want to live in your neighborhood.

@Chris Hanson's Axe: If you think this post wasn't partially intended to make fun of Jezebel then you are sincerely naive. However, my greater issue with this post is the laziness, why waste a great opportunity to examine how sex & sport intermingle by

God forbid you include any of the actual insightful tennis/sports related comments that that article generated. It's way easier to make the Jezebels are all man-hating feminizi bonerkillers, isn't it?

@Diziet_Sma: I guess I'll have to tell my friend his mom is going to be around to annoy him a lot longer.

a series of plastic surgeries intended to give her the Mona Lisa's forehead, "the chin of Botticelli's Venus, the nose of Gerome's Psyche, the lips of François Boucher's Europa, the eyes of Diana from a sixteenth-century French School of Fontainebleu painting.

Huh, Sienna Miller and I agree about something. I prefer Cate Blanchette too. Weirdness.