Spaceman Bill Leah

@bananastand: My first thought when seeing the poster, "Well that's not going to end well."

@bluebears: @BabyJane: I think I really resent him the most for totally ruining the flow and camaraderie of several past Project Runway and Top chef Reunion.

It's very hard for me to decide who I dislike more, Andy Cohen or all the people on this show. Combined.

@NefariousNewt: Oh man, I hope the run that again when I am recording Yo Gabba Gabba.

What are the chances that the evening ended up with these two in a hair-pulling-clutch-slap fight?

The best Depression Era advice I ever got from my Gramma was actually a recipe:

@hortense: As long as the competitions are more America's Best Dance Crew and less American Idol, I might be ok with this.

Text messaging is the best thing ever because it means I don't ever have to speak to anyone on the phone.

@BlondeGrlz: I spent hours explaining the rules of baseball and hockey to the SpaceFetus. It seems to have worked. Sort of. Mostly he just like bashing things with bats and sticks.

It's, like, bad-ass old lady afternoon today and no one told me, right?

Q:What would you do if you had 20 minutes in a private club booth with Alex Rodriguez?

@Little Green Frog: 18 months? I admire you. I think I started rethinking the SpaceToddler the first time he projectile barfed in my face.

Isn't nodding off whenever the hell you want one of the bonuses of being wicked old?

This may be the first time in my life that I am excited to have the Hallmark channel. Well, maybe second. I did get pretty excited when I found out the ran episodes of Columbo.

@BabyJane: @bellethellama: Weirdly I do own a lot of books and obsessive print out and save recipes from the interwebs but for some reason I never seem to have all the right ingedients so usually my process is:

Foll-owing rec-ipes?

I love Tom Jones. I threw my panties at him when I was in my 20s. I am not yet 30. The end.