Spaceman Bill Leah

I just spent 20 minutes of a 30 minute meeting talking about sweet potatoes, pie and other Thanksgiving foods.

@hortense: Don't forget that single packet of hot cocoa sans marshmallows given out courtesy of my mom..

Bish plz. My kid's hockey name is waaaaay better than that.

The problem with today's kids: Too much photographing their snatches, not enough reading books.

-Rachel Ray

People who do not pick up their dog's crap. That is one of the most heinous social crimes one can commit.

Every single teenager on the 92 Foster bus eastbound on weekday mornings.

@Soy-Bean: I married one of those. I didn't know about though until it was too late, didn't have a dishwasher until we had been together over 6 months.

Husbands who leave peanut shells and peanut skins scattered all over the living room and couch!

@exelizabeth: I tell me mom they are for "photo swaps". She is big into online scrapbooking communities and this seems to mean something to her.

I sent a few in but then I always realize that I didn't include half of the stupid information they want with the pictures.

@I'm Chuck Bass: I completely agree. I would rather go without new clothes and shoes than drink shitty can beer.

@Clare: My favorite part of those dog shows is that they use the same factoids for each breed EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I am now a dog breed expert.

I just like to use The Amazing Race method; pay a cab and follow them.

@kate not the plumber is ready for november: It's probably for the best that you didn't ask because people around here always seem to use the lake to navigate. Even if you are several miles away and the stupid lake is nowhere in view.

Well crap. That's all I got.

I guess there wasn't enough virgin blood to keep Varitek going for two games.

Quick! Someone get Timlin a Rays jersey and send him over to the Tampa bull pen.

Does Maddon have no consideration for the dozens of Rays fans that have to work tomorrow?

So, uh, JD. How you doin'?