
I love my dog, too, but I say no extraordinary measures after a certain age. For us, that’s probably 10. Hey whatever they want to do though.

Yep, they get quite fat. We got an adult lab last year and by June she had gained 15 lbs despite eating a pretty small amount of dog food and minimal dog treats, almost zero people food. She’s slowly losing it— like 3 lbs so far, even though she’s down to 3/4 cup of food twice a day. The vet said she “looks like an

My parents spent into the five figures on medical treatment for their 14 year old dog. I really don’t get it, but my mom says it made my dad feel better.

My seven year old Lab will eat anything and needs to lose a few. But she’s so lazy and not terribly sharp, so she doesn’t go to great lengths for food like this dog does. Or any lengths at all, really, besides looking around on the floor and whining.

I really think it’s just a defense mechanism— she’s my boss and she works quite a lot. She doesn’t cook and prefers junky food— not a healthy relationship with eating or working out (eat junk, work out a ton, go on a “diet” and stock fridge with “healthy stuff”, rinse repeat). It’s awkward when it comes up— I approach

I know exactly how this goes. You have a kid that’s like barely a toddler, you come across some crap like fruit bits in the grocery store, and you’re like, well, that’s for kids, right? Or maybe your kid finds them at a birthday party. Kid likes them, and is now eating willingly. You convince yourself it’s just a

I know someone whose official position is that her kids should eat all the crap food now while they’re young because “they won’t be able to when they’re older.” ???

We do some version of a sandwich or wrap, a piece of fruit, and then some kind of crackers or granola bar (figuring that part doesn’t matter as much if the rest is decent). We know we’re not going to have some perfect bento box of cut up fruits and veggies, so let’s just shoot for good enough and no obvious crap in

Thank you! The older definitely has his issues— he’s not as social as my second, or at least not as easily so. The younger one, the girl, is the happiest little thing you’ve ever seen, everyone likes her. I have no idea how I produced such a creature when everyone on both sides of the family is either neurotic,

Yea mine are 18 months apart. I feel badly about that too. Except that it’s awesome having kids that are usually pretty much in the same phase. I would hate having a second grader right now instead of a fifth grader.

Thank you for having a measured, rational response to my (anonymous) admission about my darkest thoughts. I already feel guilty enough for even thinking of it.

I know intellectually that it’s not a problem. But here’s what happened to me— first kid I did everything by the book. I ate so nutritiously it was insane, no booze at all, maybe a little coffee, no soda. Second kid, not so much— instead of cottage cheese and nuts for snack, I ate Starbucks coffee cake every day,

Interestingly, I’ve seen a few ethics seminars held in Las Vegas at hotels, all of which have casinos in them. I’m sure other government contract type topics as well. No idea about the strip clubs though.

I was actually just thinking that. I don’t know that it ultimately matters, but generally I don’t know many women in high ranking professional positions who are anti-choice.

I routinely share NARAL posts and I’m sure a ton of my more random FB friends have an issue with it. Especially the high school ones, although it cannot have escaped their notice that the overwhelming majority of the smart kids grew up to be left leaning (and not hawkers of jewelry, essential oils, or diet shakes).

That’s really interesting, and it makes total sense. Although at least here in the US, with the specific people I’m thinking of, I’m not sure they have many “views” to express, not cogently anyway. And those they do have, they know are repellent. Or as they call it, not “PC.”

Awesome— very Homeland.

What’s funny is that’s what everyone with a brain has been saying since the beginning, and no one from the school or any of its defenders has addressed it.

So funny you mention that— a friend just yesterday posted for the first time about her new Jamberry “business.” Good God, what even is that? I’ve never seen anyone in our area wearing those things. And this person isn’t lacking for money. She’s otherwise level-headed so I hope she’s not a Trumper. I will be so

Yep that’s the one. That’s not the part that bothers me though. It’s the marketing to apparently vulnerable women, who then turn around and crow about how they don’t have to leave their kids like some bad mom with a real job. Gross.